3| the third study session

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Gulping, you find yourself infront of Kazuha's table during break time.

Kazuha doesn't spare you a glance, and continues to write down formulas onto a blank notebook. You bite your lip, before reaching into your bag to pull out the worksheets from yesterday to hand it to him.

Only then did Kazuha lift up his head to look at you, then at the papers. He places down his pen, taking the worksheets and stuffing it underneath his table, before picking up his pen and writing down formulas again.

You frown, staring at him with wide eyes.

The latter notices you staring, and looks back at you again. "What?" He blurts out, his face holding a confused expression. You don't say a word, simply reaching into your bag again to grab a kit-kat and placing it on his table.

Kazuha takes a look at the kit-kat, then back at you with his eyebrows furrowed. Only after a few seconds did he finally soften his expression, his lips aching to curve upwards.

"Go back to your seat." He clears his throat, his eyes slightly shaky when he picks up his pen again, starting to scribble random equations that you can't understand. When you returned back to your seat, Kazuha finally loses control and broke into a soft grin.


It didn't take long before the bell rang, signifying that classes have ended. Despite having 5 long lessons today, you managed to get out of class alive. Upon seeing the teacher leave your classroom, you dip your head backwards, tired from all the information taken in. Behind you stood Thoma, who was supporting your head with his tummy, his big puppy eyes glancing over at you with sparkles in his eyes.

When he notices that you're looking at him, he gives you a wide smile, his cheeks slightly dusted with a rosy pink. You smile back in response, wanting to reach out your hand to pet his head when you see Kazuha walk over with his hands in his pocket. You immediately sat up straight and leaned forward on your table, awaiting whatever he was about to say.

But the moment he walks infront of your table, he pulls his right hand out of his pocket before placing it infront of you in a fist. You stare at him in confusion, before looking at his fist. "Give me your hand." Kazuha says softly, his eyes showing no ill intent. You gulp, placing your hand under his fist. And when you do, he places something in your palms.

After he places the something in your palms, you glance over to look at it. It was a candy that said 'good job!'.

You look up at him, only to see that a small and genuine smile had made its way to his face. You stare at him in awe and slowly, you find yourself smiling too.

Clearing your throat, you look away and pack your things, while Thoma and Ayaka bid farewell to you. Kazuha, on the other hand, leans on the table infront of you while waiting for you to finish, his eyes glued onto his phone.

"Where are we going today?" You ask, opening your bottle to take a sip of water.

Kazuha doesn't lift his head up from his phone, his thumb still endlessly scrolling through god knows what app. "The library doesn't work cause you're too loud. Restaurants don't work cause you get distracted. How about your house?"

Upon hearing this, you spit out a mouthful of water, coughing until your face turns red. Kazuha stares at you with his eyebrows furrowed, confused as to why the hell you started overreacting. You cough abit more, waving your hand to him, asking for him to wait til you could catch your breath before you could say anything else.

"Are you?? Crazy?? We've just met and you want me to bring you to my house??" You say in disbelief, but the latter's face remains unchanging, his expression still holding a hint of confusion.

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now