7 | curiosity

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The day of the school festival came quick.

Given that your class was not doing much but selling food, you did not really have to do anything other than persuading people to come to your classroom. So, with a skip in your step, you walk out of the classroom with a confused Thoma in your arms.

Thoma did not say a word, but look at you the entire time you two were walking down the halls. The moment you noticed that he was looking at you all this time, you stop in your step and look at him up and down. Raising an eyebrow when you meet his gaze again, you shoot him a judgemental look.

"Can you put those metal grippers away." You asked, more like a statement rather than a question. Thoma tilts his head in confusion before looking down at his toes which were unintentionally clinging onto his slippers. He looks back at you and lets out a chuckle.

"Sorry, weathers a little hot nowadays. I didn't want to wear socks with my slippers." He laughs, slinging his arm around your neck. You throw him an extra pair of socks you had in your bag, before walking forward without him.

He hurriedly catches up behind you, but before he could reach you, he bumps into someone. He stumbles backwards one or two steps, before steadying himself. You look back in concern, but to your surprise, you see none other than Kazuha standing before him.

"Kazuha!" You call out, a smile making its way to your face.

With his back towards you, you couldn't see his expression clearly. You placed a hand on his shoulder, turning him around. What you didn't expect to see was him with two very prominent dark eyebags and a pale face.

"Woah, what's up with you?" You furrow your eyebrows.

"[Y/N], I'm not in the mood for this today. I'm busy." He sighs, placing his fingers on his temples.

"I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING?" You say in disbelief when he shakes your hand off his shoulder, turning around and hiding his face with the clipboard in his hand. "Okay but seriously dude, are you okay?"

Kazuha is silent for awhile, before he nods his head and walks away.

Thoma looks at you, then at Kazuha who had just left. "What's his issue?"

You shrug in response, only to take Thoma's arm in yours again before pulling him to other classrooms. But deep down, you can't help but feel slightly concerned.

During the entire duration of the school festival, it was basically you dragging Thoma around school and Thoma complying submissively. After endless snack breaks in other classrooms and bothering your schoolmates to death, you finally bid farewell to Thoma (who sadly had to leave early for basketball practice) and returned back to your classroom to help.

Upon returning, you spot Kazuha sitting at a small resting corner by the window with his eyes closed. The classroom is fairly empty, with only maximum 3 students including Kazuha; your class had packed up early due to the shortage of food ingredients, which means more time for your classmates to explore the school festival.

The other two classmates in the classroom left quietly, bowing their head and mouthing to you that Kazuha was fast asleep.

You nod your head in response, urging them to go enjoy the school festival before the sunsets.

Walking over to him, you tap him once on the shoulder, but instead he did not respond. "Kazuha?" You called out gently, which he furrows his eyebrow at. You figure out that he might not want to be disturbed at all, so you decide to just stand up and leave. But upon standing up, your hand had accidentally grazed his arm; which was abnormally warm.

Sceptical, you place your hand onto his arm again and shaked him awake. "Hey, you okay?" You asked out of concern. Kazuha was in a daze when you questioned him, but soon enough he returned to his senses and shook his head, gesturing for you to go about your normal business.

To which, you're unwilling to do so. You push aside his (fairly) long fringe and placed the back of your hand on his forehead. He does not waste a second to push your arm aside and stagger backwards, almost falling backwards in his chair.  "I'm fine. Just a little tired, don't worry." He gives you a reassuring smile, which was not too convincing. You knew that he just didn't want anyone to worry or anyone to know that he's just been overworking himself too much these past few days.

Heaving a sigh, you take his wrist in your hands and pull him out of the classroom, not giving him any room for argument at all. He knows what you're trying to do, and instead of violently objecting, he submits silently.

You open the door to the nurses' office, which was unfortunately empty at that time. Not that there was any medication in the room that could treat a fever, but it would just be better to get some rest in the bed rather than sleeping in an uncomfortable classroom.

As he proceeds to lie on one of the beds, you take the initiative to go fill him a cup of warm water for him to drink so that he can sleep more comfortably.

When you walk over, he's already sitting up right on the bed, waiting patiently. Only then you did see the extremely contrasting eyebags to his platinum hair and pale complexion. His slightly chapped and pale lips. For a moment, you feel your chest ache slightly. You don't waste a second to walk over and hand him the glass of water.

He takes a sip before placing it down on the table beside the bed.

"You're so passionate about these types of stuff that you barely give yourself any rest time. That's not good." You sit down on the edge of the bed.

He shrugs in response. "I just feel a great sense of responsibility, which just lead to... Nevermind. Thank you, [Y/N]. Thank you for caring for me. It means alot." He shoots you a warm and genuine smile.

Unintentionally, you feel yourself smiling back at him. Although you wanted to ask when your next study session was, you figured out that it would be best to let him rest first before bothering him with anything that was school or studies related.

You gesture for him to go to sleep, which he obediently does so. He tells you to just leave him be and go enjoy the festival, and in response you tell him that you'd just stay here because you have nothing to do either ways. He does not continue the conversation after that.

It is silent in the nurses' office. Other than the sound of calm and stable breathing, accompanied by the quiet sounds of nature, it was dead silent. You were flipping through your small notebook, taking your free time to study slightly so you don't cause too much trouble for Kazuha the next study session.

But the silence is disrupted when the shrill ringing of a phone echoed through the room. You walk over to the table beside Kazuha's bed, and for some reason he is still sleeping through this demon-like alarm. You almost wonder how he gets up for school everyday.

Curious, you shoot a glance to the caller id, only for it to read 'Beidou <3'


before everybody comes at me beidou and kazuha's relationship is not romantic and will never be romantic Pls💀

WELCOME TO YOUR MONTHLY A SECOND AWAY UPDATE ... im so sorry for the short chapter ive been especially busy this month but i always found the time to go onto this orange app to look at your comments. you guys are so entertaining 😭

once again im writing this at midnight (more specifically its 130am rn) ive only had 3 hours of sleep last night so AFTER I UPLOAD THIS CHAPTER IM JUST GONNA KNOCK OUT ill reply to comments in the morning

thank you so much for 12k reads <3 it means alot

happy reading!

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now