9| profound emotions

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Friday, 4PM.

The hallways bustled with students -- The end of the school week was always most looked forward to. But for you, it was like dread. While you have gotten used to the now weekly study sessions, it also became a normal thing for you to absolutely dread going to these sessions.

'Feeling like I've been run over by a truck 10 times', you would describe it. However, unable to escape it until the upcoming college exams, you could only stick a finger up your butt and deal with it.

As always, you walk out of school with Thoma and the girlfriends, before turning around and waiting for Kazuha to make his way out.

Once he has succesfully and finally made his way out of the school gate, you follow behind him without a word. Ever since the day in the nurse's office, you two barely exchanged words and only talked to each other if necessary.

Although you attempted to speak to him multiple times, he only replied with short sentences or judgemental expressions. Which later made you sulk due to the fact that he was only treating YOU this way, speaking more gently and even smiling at others. Like dang, what did I do?

Frowning, you hold the straps of your backpack tightly and clicked your tongue in annoyance, kicking every tiny pebble you see until you reach his humble abode.

When Kazuha whipped out his keys in preparation to unlock the door, you heard soft sounds of giggling from behind that very door. You could barely hold yourself back from laughing when Kazuha turned to look at you with widened eyes, before mouthing a 'My sister. And her girlfriend."

What the fuck is with everybody and getting girlfriends?

Nodding your head slowly, Kazuha purposely opened the door loudly, banging the door against the wall. You could hear a lady-like screech, followed by a deep laughter. When Kazuha gestured for you to come in, you bow your head in respect (For what? You don't even know.), peeking from behind the wall to see a muscular woman with a petite, drop dead gorgeous lady in her arms. Your jaw dropped respectfully, rooted to the ground by the two stunning beings and was only able to move after Kazuha had forcefully dragged you into his room.

"Why'd you have to pull me away from there! I was admiring two Beautiful Women..." You put your head on the table, mumbling. Kazuha had brought in a tray of snacks and drinks for the both of you that would (hopefully) be sufficient for the next 3 hours or so. Sighing, he closes the door of his room with his feet, before hastily making his way over and placing the tray on the table gently.

Muttering a thanks, you take a biscuit from the tray and popped into your mouth, humming when the flavours burst into your mouth. Watching you enjoy the snack so much, Kazuha couldn't bring himself to interrupt you and tell you to take out your workbook, so he silently waits until you're done chewing to point at his very own workbook.

Along the way, you manage to get through the difficult questions with ease for the first time in awhile, which Kazuha later showered you in somewhat reluctant (more like shy) praises. He would check up on you from time to time, ensuring that you completely understand the questions listed or whether you could solve those questions or not.

After one and a half hours of non-stop studying, Kazuha finally suggested for the two of you to take a break, which you sighed in relief and agreed to. Once he got your approval, he took out his phone and started scrolling through social media.

Unnerved by the silence between the both of you, you clear yout throat awkwardly, "So... your sister. Which one was your sister?"

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now