5| study session #4

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"Please, [Y/N]! Just cover me for this one time?" Ayaka pleaded, her eyes resembling that of puppy eyes. You stare at her indifferently, before looking back to the paper on your table.

"No." You say without hesitation, not willing to change your decision any time soon. She whines in response, thrashing her body around the classroom like a ragdoll. You ignore her groaning, instead stealing secretive glances at Kazuha who sat near the classroom window quietly.

Ayaka notices and she immediately stands in front of you, blocking your view of the white-haired boy with her hands on her waist.

"Stop staring-- Oh! Did I tell you that he's supposed to stay back and help me with this 'Planning of School Festival' thing?" Ayaka grins knowingly. Your ears perk up at the mere mention of him, and you immediately turn to look at Ayaka with big eyes. "So? Are you up for it?"

After much deliberation, you decided that you'll just give into Ayaka's request. That girl's always out with her girlfriend Yoimiya, that they're inseparable at this point. There's no use holding her back too, because you know that cheeky girl would find every single way to convince you to agree with her.

It was around 3pm when you finished classes, and the golden shine of the afternoon sun was prominently shining down through the translucent curtains of your classroom. You stood up to stretch a little, before sitting back down on your chair to grab the paper that Ayaka had passed to you out of your bag.

As you do this, you hear shuffling sounds come from on top of you, followed by a 'clunk' from impact. When you finally look up, you see that Kazuha had already made his way to sit on the seat in front of you -- his chest against the supporting back of the chair, leaning over to your table to look at the contents of the papers that were scattered messily.

"History. Not bad." Kazuha noted as he reads through your answers for the history practice paper, before glancing at you blankly.

"I know." You replied, placing the school festival planning paper onto the table, sliding it towards him. "I don't know what you guys are supposed to do, so I can barely help. Ayaka didn't go into detail."

Kazuha shrugged. "No big deal. I can do this on my own. What are you doing after this?"

You whip out your phone, scrolling through your favourite social media apps before replying, "I'm probably just going to head home," You pause for a second, before placing your phone down and smirking at him. "Why? You want to take me on a date or something?"

Upon hearing your reply, Kazuha couldn't help but let out a loud sigh. He scribbled something before placing the pen back on the table. "You are delusional, maybe this is the reason why you're failing math."

You gasp at his remark, clutching at your chest in disbelief. "Damn! You didn't have to go there." Dropping the act, you place both of your hands on the table before leaning forward. "Okay, real talk. Why, what do you want to do with me?"

Kazuha doesn't even lift up his head to look at you before replying, "Are you up for a study session?"

You hum in response, "I don't mind."

Kazuha nods his head, still not lifting it up. What you didn't notice is the small smile that tugged at his lips and the flush at the tip of his ears reddening as the minute goes by.

Kazuha finishes the event planning swiftly, and he instructs for you to take out the math worksheets he had given you the other time. He too takes out an assessment book for himself, and also incase you're keen to try the questions (YOU ARE NOT KEEN). He helps you with a few questions, and after that you were doing pretty well on your own.

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now