6| oh?

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[UNEDITED] i started writing the first part of this chapter a month ago and i only continued it today so if the story flow sucks IM SORRY ill fix it when i edit

The school festival was approaching soon, and students were slowly winding down on studying. After all, a major mock test had just passed and the students needed time to rest.

Although you have not received your results yet, you could tell that the mock test this time went fairly well, and you were able to answer most of the questions this time. Of course, you couldn't stop bragging about this to everybody around you -- that include Kazuha, Thoma as well as Ayaka. They were not even the least bit impressed, considering how they were all already top-scorers.

Well, good for them I guess. But this isn't about them LOL

Anyways, preparations have started and the school was decorated with many different coloured banners, and everywhere you look was either extremely extravagant or extremely empty. The corridors were filled with bustling students, excitement brimming in the fleeting conversations of the juniors and seniors.

From the far distance you can hear the yells of teachers, as well as students councillors as they instruct people of the placement of certain things, the setting up of the student stalls as well as the big banner that welcomes the outsiders into your school.

You didn't notice someone walk up behind you until they placed their arm ontop of your head nonchalantly, and almost jokingly. You didn't need to turn around to see who it is. "Thoma." You say flatly.

"Sup grumpy. How's everything?" Thoma smiles down at you, and only then did you look up to make eye contact with him. Today, his hair is pushed back and centered by the middle, which exposed his forehead. You couldn't help but widen your eyes upon seeing his appearance.

"What's with the get up?" You look at him up and down, very obviously judging him.

"Ah," He realised what you were talking about and also looked down at his outfit. "We were just doing.... rehearsals. That's not the point. Do I look good? Hmm?"

You roll your eyes at his question, before extending your hand and ruffling his hair such that his once exposed forehead is completely covered. Finally, you hum in approvement.

"You look better this way." You point out.

Upon hearing your statement, Thoma's cheeks visibly redden slightly, but it went away in less than a minute. "So you're saying, that when I'm in my 'natural form', I'm attractive?"

You sigh, using your finger to push Thoma's head backwards. "You love twisting my words don't you. Go and do something for once, stop coming here to find me."

Thoma crosses his arms, thinking for a moment. You know something bad is going to happen once he does that. It's either he's going to crack a terrible joke, or that he's going to do something dumb. There's literally no inbetween.

"But I wanna do something really bad.."

"What shit are you talking this time,"


"Oh fuck off." You roll your eyes at his failed pick up line, throwing him a middle finger. He laughs in response.

"You've got to admit it, that was funny." Thoma grinned mischievously.

"Go and help our class with their preparations before you get beat up." You couldn't help but smile upon seeing his eye smile.

Thoma bids farewell to you with a gentle pat on the head, while you continue exploring the half decorated school. You past many classrooms that were filled with laughter, some extremely silent, some that were dark inside (which were probably haunted houses) and finally, you pass by the food and nutrition room, where the students from the cooking club often occupy.

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now