4| An unexpected meeting

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"Come along with us! It'll be fun!" Was what Ayaka said, but.

Does it look like I'm having fun right now?

You lean against the wall of the stall, blowing a strand of stray hair away from your face. Seeing the two girlfriends running around the shop and squealing at cute pieces of clothing, you couldn't help but shut your eyes painfully, sighing loudly. You could literally die of boredom right now. 

It all started at 8am in the fucking morning, and not on just any day. On a SATURDAY. You find Ayaka and Yoimiya at your front door with their eyes sparkling, their mouths spitting out sweet words in hopes to convince you to go with them. 

"I was passing by and wondered if you want to join us?" Ayaka said.

"Come along with us! It'll be fun!" Yoimiya added on.

No. It's 8am on a Saturday morning, damn. I just want to sleep. 

And despite the burning urge to say that, all that came out of your mouth was a "Sure."

And look, now that you've got yourself into this hellhole, you have no one to blame but yourself. Well, it's not your fault for not being able to speak out whatever you want to speak. It's okay, I get you.

You peek into the store again, and Yoimiya is carrying a huge stack of clothes with her to the dressing room, while Ayaka checks herself out in the mirror. Heck, you would rather be studying at home or with Kazuha rather than waiting for 2 of them to finish. 

And so, you dropped them a text, before walking off. 

You are crazy, but at least you are free.

Walking along the pavement of the shopping road, you couldn't help but look inside some of the stalls -- of course, not staying more than 5 minutes, unlike Ayaka and Yoimiya who were probably still inside that shop. They probably didn't even notice you were gone. 

But of course, pushing this thought aside, you seem to catch an interesting product inside one of the stores' window, and stopping in your step to take a look at it. But just as you did that, someone bumps into you -- Hard -- making you stumble backwards.

You couldn't help but let out a gasp in shock, immediately shooting your head up to look at the culprit. And to your surprise, there stood a familiar figure; his hair a brilliant white, an abnormal streak of red running down the side of his head. He looks up from his phone, a deep shade of crimson glaring at you with malicious intent. But when he realises that it's you, his gaze softens, and his once pale cheeks redden slightly.  

"Kazuha." Your lips part, obviously not used to seeing him outside of school and not in his uniform. 

You were about to continue speaking before he suddenly grabs your shoulder gently, swiftly pushing you aside to allow a bicycle to pass by, before looking back at you. "Careful." He says in a calm voice. 

Your eyes widen softly, before looking away in a flustered manner. "Worry about yourself." You mutter, shaking the hand on your shoulder off. Kazuha chuckles lightly, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. 

"What are you getting all shy for?" He finally puts his hand down. "Anyways, what are you doing here alone?" 

You scratch the back of your head. "I originally came here with Yoimiya and Ayaka, but well, they were taking too long and I was getting restless. You?" You reply. 

Kazuha thinks for awhile, before placing his hands in his pocket. "Running some errands. Want to come along?" 

You purse your lips, and unexpectedly, you find yourself nodding in response. He gives you a slight smile, before gesturing for you to follow him. 

a second away • kaedehara kazuha ((HIATUS))Where stories live. Discover now