6 : "weird weird."

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"nii nii nii nii nii—"

"for the last time rin, the food is coming in 10 minutes." Semi glanced at the tiny person who was laying upside down on the couch with her head dangling off the edge of the cushion

Her freshly washed dry hair draped down the edge of the cushion. Kenjirou, being used to giving baths to his baby cousins, helped her with showering a while ago before he himself went to take a shower 

"but i'm bored.." She whined out, putting her arms up and making them fall back down to her side

"you wanna color together, rin?"

Kenjirou walked into the living room after a fresh shower, a towel wrapped around his neck; catching the few drops of water that fell from the strands of his damped copper hair

"heck yeah!!"

Rinami excitedly sat up when she heard Kenjirou come in, immediately going down on the carpet and scooting closer towards the coffee table

Kenjirou placed the coloring book and the bag of pencil colors down on said table, sitting next to Rinami

"do you remember what i taught you?"

"yep!" Rinami replied enthusiastically, opening up the zipper of the bag and flipped through the coloring book to determine which black and white anime page should she color

"i feel like i could puke just by seeing you two being so cute together." Semi commented, turning the volume of the tv down a bit as he brought his legs up on the couch; crossing them together so he could scoot behind where Kenjirou was sitting

"puke and ..commit not alive." Kenjirou furrowed his eyebrows as he adjusted his choice of word to pg rated so Rinami's ears wont get any more tainted

"nice cover." Semi said sarcastically, his feet propped back down to the ground; his legs positioned on either side of the copperhaired sides so his thighs were spread open

Before Kenjirou could reply with a snarky remark, the towel around his neck was grabbed by the ash blond and was pulled up to his head

"don't argue, i'm just gonna dry your hair" Semi stopped the shorter before another banter starts and surprisingly enough Kenjirou obliged, though halfheartedly because he's not the type to give in easily of course

"hnm.. your hair—"

"did you just sniff my hair?" Kenjirou retracted his head forward when he heard the sniffing sound from the taller and turned his upper body around slightly to give the male a disgusted expression

"yeah, 'cause your hair smells really good."

Semi emphasized the italicized word and giggled dumbly, placing his hands back on the male's shoulder and making him turn back around to face the front

Kenjirou furrowed his eyebrows and continued focusing on Rin and coloring with her, letting Semi proceed on drying his damped hair with the towel

"rin, your nii-san's weird."

"i'm literally right behind you"

"does that mean i'm weird too?" Rinami asked, genuinely curious if she's as weird as her brother

"you're a good weird, your nii-san is a.. weird weird." Kenjirou specified, Rinami simply pulled the •o• expression at Kenjirou before continuing to be an artist

"you're so mean.." Semi said, sadness lacing his tone of voice

"you get to dry my hair and sniff me in return, be happy."

Semi scoffed sarcastically at the remark, rolling his eyes playfully as he continued his hand motions; ruffling Kenjirou's head of hair with the towel and all that jazz

Kenjirou stifled a laugh when Rinami accidentally grabbed the wrong color pencil and ended up scribbling a few lines of said color on the paper which resulted to a sad Rinami mumbling to herself (shitting on the fact that she used the wrong color)

"stupid color pencil.. stupid nii-san.."

"why am i included in your rambling?!" Semi reached over and flicked the back of Rin's forehead

At this point, Kenjirou failed to stifle his laughter and ended up having to cover his mouth and clutch his stomach; melodious laughter escaping his lips

"because!" Rinami turned around and stuck her tongue out mockingly at her brother

"thats not a reason!" Semi reached his hand closer to her face and proceeded to pinch a chunk of Rinami's right cheek; earning a groan from the girl

"hf— nh.. jesus, you guys are so dumb.." Kenjirou relaxed his crescent eyes, wiping a tear off of the corner of his eyes as he died down his laughter

If not for the door bell ringing, Semi would've continued on with the argument with his little sister

Though instead he placed the towel around Kenjirou's neck again and stood up off the couch and head towards the door to be greeted by the food delivery person

It took less than a minute before all three of them started digging down on the food. 

"..aren't you gonna say anything?"

Semi asked while he sitting on the couch; crosslegged right behind Kenjirou who was sitting down on the carpet floor, leaned forward a bit as he looked down at the male

Kenjirou cocked an eyebrow up before setting his plate of food down on the coffee table and grabbed the strawberry milk box; sipping it while tilting his head back against the edge of the couch to look up at the other

"say what to what?" Kenjirou answered the question with a question, staring right into Semi's eyes which the male returned the stare intently

"aren't you gonna say anything about the fact that i did something good?"

"something good as in.. you bought meals instead of snacks for lunch this time?"

Semi mimicked the male's expression and cocked an eyebrow up as well, gesturing his head to the side slightly as if the answer was obvious

Pulling a flat expression, Kenjirou internally sighed but decided to comply with the other's request as a 'thank you' for drying his hair earlier

Reaching his free hand up while still staring into the male's eyes, he gently patted the side of Semi's face before cupping it softly

"you did good, ..and thanks for drying my hair earlier." Kenjirou hesitated with the following statement, not wanting to spoil Semi with compliments so his cockiness wont increase

Semi widened his eyes slightly at the genuineness of Kenjirou at that moment, his hand impulsively covered the shorter's eyes to hide the fact that his face was shaded a faint red from Kenjirou's words

Kenjirou tilted his head forward in order to shake the other's hand off of his face which he successfully did so before continuing on sipping his drink

"weird ass senpai." Kenjirou commented on the aforementioned's behavior, not looking at Semi's direction anymore

"..shut up." Semi paused for a bit so his words didn't come out all scattered

Semi was internally screaming to himself simply over the fact that Kenjirou actually praised him after he asked for it

He for sure is gonna take advantage of this.

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