18 : "venting."

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"rin, let's go"

Kenjirou took a hold of the girl's hand as she expressed excitement at the arrival of the male before swiftly snatching the paper bills from the taller's hand, intertwining their fingers together

"alright um-"

"kenjirou, do me a favor and call me senpai."

As he was turning around to bid goodbye to the other two present in the room, Kuroo interrupted his words while stepping closer towards the shorter with his arms crossed

Kenjirou's eye twitched and he glanced at Sakusa flatly and the darkhaired could only shrug and give moral support instead of stopping it from happening.

Sighing internally for the nth time today, he followed through, though with a slight twist to keep the two satisfied since they won't be seeing each other anytime soon for a long while. (he prayed to make it stay that way)

"..tetsurou senpai, kiyoomi senpai, it was nice meeting you, i'll get going now."

The others rose their eyebrows in unison at the unexpected given name being uttered out of Kenjirou's lips as they stared at the male with empty breaths leaving their slightly gaping mouth.

"alright, bye! ..rin, quick, go before they say something stupid" Kenjirou bid his final goodbyes and muttered the last sentence quietly to the girl while pulling the handle of the glass door open and guiding her out

The door shuts and the two fled the the scene, leaving the blackhairs to have a conversation by themselves.

"..was it just me or was he blushing?"

Sakusa started after a hot moment of them recollecting their thoughts, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried to remember Kenjirou's heated up face since he was too distracted by the added given name in the honorific earlier.

"can't remember, my brain had a boner."

"your brain always has a boner."

Sakusa rolled his eyes at the statement, pulling his mask up to his face once he noticed his icecream cup was empty; tossing it into a nearby mini trash can

"oh, shut your dick with a mouth."

Kuroo scoffed, fishing out his phone from his back pocket before taking a seat on the stool that Kenjirou sat on earlier

"kenjirou's? gladly." The other smirked un-visibly underneath his mask at the image of Kenjirou sucking his dick, but it was sadly shut down by Semi walking into the scene

"pfft. good fucking luck." The ash blond chuckled in a mocking tone before turning to his right to the nearby section where they display guitar strings to sell

"don't fucking tell me it's that hard to get into his pants." Konoha asked, dragging the curtain away from his view and leaning against the door frame to look at Semi with a scowl tugging his lips

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