16 : "accidental."

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"eita what now."

Bokuto walked out of the backroom with Rinami holding his hand while her other hand was busy finishing the ice cream cone; the girl oblivious to the scene in front of her

Kenjirou gulped down a cuss word as his face muscles relaxed against Konoha's hands, too bored to keep this up any longer

"yes, i'm a year younger. yes, i'm nineteen. please, just let this go already." Kenjirou slumped in his seat as his face was swooshed around by Konoha

"jirou san is younger?" Rinami's head perked up at the sudden information, the last of her ice cream cone going into her mouth as the others turned their heads to her

"see, even rinami's surprised." Kuroo went up to her and crouched down to pick her up; jumping Rin up a bit so the two of them were comfortable

"hey, i was holding rin's hand.." Bokuto pouted when Rinami was pulled away from him which resulted to her unlatching their intertwined hands and her slinging one arm around Kuroo's neck

"okay, kuro- konoha, let me go. kuroo, set her down." Kenjirou paused his words for a second before removing Konoha's hands away from his face and got up to grab Rin from Kuroo's arms

The taller had the same pout as Bokuto when Kenjirou picked Rin up by her armpits and set her down carefully. Kenjirou flinched slightly at the sight of two grown men pouting at him, clearing his throat; he stayed composed

"i was holding her.." Kuroo mumbled the same way Bokuto did, as he slothfully and sadly pointed at Rinami who couldn't even give any amounts of fuck to notice all of them and instead she stared of into the abyss while savoring the oreo ice cream flavor in her mouth

"and i was holding you.." Konoha muttered out as he rose his hands up slightly towards Kenjirou's face and inched closer towards the aforementioned to once again fondle with his face which only resulted in Kenjirou bitch slapping the male's hands away

Kenjirou sighed out a reluctant breath while scrunching his nose up vaguely at the fact that on every turn his head did, he would see a grown man pouting at him.

"jirou san, can you buy me some strawberry milk?" Rinami tugged on the copperhaired's hand to get the pretty overwhelmed male's attention

"uh.." Kenjirou narrowed his eyebrows a bit as he looked down at her, unsure if he should ask Semi for money or shut down Rinami's question. With his mouth gaped open a bit and his mind thinking of the right answer, Rinami saw the opportunity to continue her sentence.

"and a lolipop?"


"and oreo pocky? and a new hair brush? and and and—"

"okay, semi rinami. stop. i'll ask your nii-san for money only for the strawberry milk and lolipop." Kenjirou firmly stated his words as to not make Rinami go on and on with her wants

"that's it, okay?" Kenjirou rose his right index finger up to Rin's face which made the girl giggle softly and mimic the male's action; the tips of their fingers touching against one another

"oh, i can lend you some money!" Bokuto's head perked up as he reached to his back pocket to fish out his wallet so he could take some money out for the copperhaired but before the faux leather material could escape his pocket, Kenjirou quickly shut the offer down

"no thanks, i'll ask eita sen- ..eita." Kenjirou cleared his throat quietly while flashing Bokuto a small thankful smile before turning to Rin and picking her up to set her down on the seat so she could sit and wait until he was done asking Semi for money which he was already dreading the consequences of that action.

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