19 : "coffee milk."

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"..i'm not blushing because of you, dicknuts."

Kenjirou hesitated for a bit, but the words left his mouth instinctively. The copperhaired's voice now sounding tight; annoyed.

"oh? didn't expect you to be the cursing kind." Tsukasa held onto a visibly shocked expression and leaned their body forward a bit to get closer to the male

There's another visible expression a foot, but Tsukasa's dumb ass doesn't understand the meaning of body language since all goes well for them when it comes to flirting, therefore even though Kenjirou had uncomfortableness laced on his face; Tsukasa didn't budge.

"didn't expect you to have such a boring way to flirt with somebody." Kenjirou jeered, his eyelids lowered into a bored expression.

"yeah? then what's a ..non boring way to flirt with somebody?"

Kenjirou furrowed his eyebrows slightly at Tsukasa surprisingly being oblivious to clear body language, his mind thought about simply pushing the other away but he didn't want the both of them to leave on a bad note.

And so the only thing he came up with on the fly, was to answer Tsukasa's question.

"non-boring way to flirt?" He repeated; starting his visual explanation.

His hands were taken out of his hoodie pocket and were brought over to Tsukasa's hips, cold wintry fingertips discreetly snuck underneath the taller's black shirt worn as a work uniform as it delicately held onto the other's lean built waist.

"you can pull the person closer.." Kenjirou muttered out smokily and followed through with his words; enunciating on his tone of voice to sound more sensual, play-acting as if he was actually attracted to Tsukasa.

The blackhaired took in a sharp inhale with his nose and adjusted his posture slightly at the sudden icy sensation on his skin and the abrupt change of vibe from Kenjirou.

"or.. you can fix their hair gently."

Kenjirou pulled off a subtle dumb doe eyed look to increase that crimson tinted heat rising on Tsukasa's cheeks, one hand traveled up to the other's bangs and sweetly pushed a few strands of hair back away from their face and tucking it snuggly behind their ear.

"..you're very tall, tsukasa."

Kenjirou complimented wholeheartedly in a quiet manner after a few seconds of silence, raking his fingers through their hair and pushing Tsukasa's head towards himself so their faces were just a tad bit closer.

"m-nh.." Tsukasa's adam's apple bobbed up and down, gulping their saliva-filled mouth as to not make themself lose composure and end up embarrassed by stumbling over their own words words and whatnot.

"..and one last thing" Kenjirou mumbled, pulling Tsukasa's face much closer so he could whisper into the taller's ear.

"you should.."

Tsukasa's hands gripped onto the shelf tightly, their patience slowly decreased though their ears increased in sensitivity when Kenjirou playfully halted his words just to breathe against Tsukasa's ear.

"learn how to read the room.."

Tsukasa narrowed their eyebrows at the whisper, their emotions now getting scrambled up.

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