7 : "massage."

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Kenjirou fucked up.

He regretted that time at lunch when he praised and complimented Semi.

"you did good, senpai."

Said by Kenjirou when Semi asked for compliments on him successfully braiding Rinami's hair after multiple failed attempts

"yes, senpai. it looks good."

Said by Kenjirou when Semi pressured him to praise his actually kind of impressive drawing of a random character

"you're very good at it, senpai."

"it's great."

"youre doing a good job."

yada yada yada.

Those are only a fraction of the amount of times Kenjirou was forced to praise the taller on every little thing

Kenjirou did try to ignore and refuse Semi's requests but the other kept on irritating him into praising him; so he had no choice but to give in and comply, unless he wants an annoying Semi Eita bugging him which he doesn't.

"ah— that kinda hurts.."

And right now, Kenjirou found himself sitting down sideways and crosslegged on the couch and in front of Semi who mimicked the male's position; getting a massage from the taller while Rin was busy taking a nap in her room

"now, how does that feel?"

Semi asked as he readjusted the pressure he put on the male's shoulders to fit to Kenjirou's liking

Finding the pressure to be perfect, Kenjirou shut his eyes comfortably as his breathing slowed down

"it feels good.." He said in a hushed and breathy tone, arching his back slightly every now and then while his intertwined fingers fiddled with one another

"do you want me to go harder?"

"mnh.. no.. its perfect.." Kenjirou said in a whispery kind of voice, feeling tired all of a sudden; making his body lean back against the other's touch

Semi's lips tugged a smirk, scooting forward so his crossed legs were touching Kenjirou's ass

"you're.. weirdly good at this, eita—senpai.."

"and you're cutely moaning my name, kenjirou kun."

Many things happened in that split second.

Kenjirou's eyes shot open but he was met with Semi's hands going rougher on his shoulders which resulted to him shutting his eyes close again while furrowing his eyebrows, as well as a follow up insult along with a mewl.

"ar~nh— p-perverted fuck~!"

Semi clenched his teeth as an irk mark appeared on his forehead, his smirk from before widened into an irritated grin

Kenjirou, who now had the palms of his hands in front of his crossed legs gripping the couch, gaped his mouth open as another rough squeeze on his shoulders occurred from the annoyed male

"ng— ..senpai-kouhai kin~k..!"

Another fact based insult escaped Kenjirou's lips melodiously. The more the pain on his shoulders increased, the more control he loses over his own words

"tch." Semi clicked his tongue, pushing Kenjirou forward out of the blue and gave him a harder squeeze, the shorter leaned forward and his elbows bent along with the motion; placing his forearms against the seat of the couch

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