20 : "confession."

132 6 4

His instincts, and anxiety, got the best of him.

"eita and i kissed."

Their eyes widened comically, all three of them, as if the one who confessed weren't one of the three.

Kenjirou's hand immediately clasped his own mouth shut as though it could undo the sudden confession that escaped his lips. Shoulders tensed up, his eyebrows narrowed in disgust of himself.

Out of all emotions he could feel, he felt disgusted. Towards the whole cringy confessing ordeal, not towards anyone in particular.
His heartbeat quickened, the silence between the three of them deafened his ears; a silent yet piercing ringing hit his eardrums.

"..please ..say someth—"

"jirou san!!!!"

The thick atmosphere was sliced like butter by a loud childish voice, a sudden saturated feeling engulfed them as Rinami ran towards the male's side

"can i borrow these too?" She brought up her hands full of pens of multiple sizes ranging from 0.1 to 4.0, the cheeky smile on her face made it hard for Kenjirou to refuse (not that he was going to).

"sure, rin" He gave a small smile, this time with a soft sigh escaping his lips.


The male flinched at the firmness in Akaashi's tone of voice.

"...hm?" He slowly turned his head towards them, eyes widened a bit and his posture now stiff and on high alert.

"free up your schedule tonight, youre coming with us."

Kenma followed up, earning a distraught groan from the copperhaired who suddenly sulked in his seat and groggily slid off the couch and knelt on the ground before dropping his body tiredly on the carpet, eyes staring blankly onto nothingness.

"i'm texting eita that you're going out tonight. we'll drop rin at tsumu's."

"what?! no!—"

"tsumu chan!!!" Rinami's excitement cut Kenjirou's protests short as Akaashi took the male's phone and did what he told him, unlocking the phone easily with a passcode that Kenjirou should change sooner or later.





seen 5:47pm


sorry was at the cashier



need anything?

what time does your shift end

um around 8pm, but i have to do overtime tonight so ill finish around 10pm


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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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