15 : "popsicle."

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"kiyo san, here you go!"

Rinami grabbed a random ice cream cup and a small wooden spoon from inside the plastic bag that she was holding while walking towards Sakusa who was behind the counter before handing it to the taller

"thank you" Sakusa shifted in his seat slightly so he could grab said ice cream from Rinami and give her a soft head pat

"yer welcome" She gave him a wide smile before going towards the back room to meet up with the others and give them their ice creams

Kenjirou pulled a stool that was near the counter so he could at least take a seat while he waits for Rin to be done with her little errand

Semi stepped closer towards Kenjirou to bid his final goodbyes before returning back to work, a little bit of his ice cream cone still in his hand, as well as that mischievous smile on his face

"as much as i wanna stay with you longer, i have shit to do."

A mouth pop sound occurred when Kenjirou separated his lips from the popsicle that he was eating to glance up at the other who towered over him, forcing the copperhaired to lean back slightly

"eita, we literally live t- mhn-.."

Kenjirou widened his eyes as his eyebrows furrowed at the rough feeling of Semi harshly tugging on his hair and pulling his head back as if he was a ragdoll.

"open your mouth."

Semi demanded with a darkened tone of voice while mussing up Kenjirou's hair the harsher he gripped onto it; inflicting pain on him on purpose just for the hell of it.

"fuck.." Kenjirou muttered out breathily as his eyebrows dropped slightly, actually feeling the pain from the taller's actions and that made something inside his stomach churn since he does have a somewhat high pain tolerance so mild pain was basically nothing to him

The sitting male grabbed a hold of Semi's wrist loosely with his free hand, his other hand held onto the unfinished popsicle securely because he almost dropped it earlier


Semi quirked a coquettish eyebrow up as he slid his knee in between the male's legs while stepping closer; tugging Kenjirou's head back further so he was fully tilting his head down to look directly at the other who was struggling to face up

"nn- arh.." Kenjirou obeyed and gaped his mouth open slightly, his hand removing itself from Semi's wrist to the taller's waist to push him back with little strength since Semi was inching too close to him, though the other wasn't budging

The ash blond smirked slyly at the sight, placing the small bit of his ice cream cone in Kenjirou's mouth and forcefully shutting the male's mouth by pushing his jaw up with his thumb and index finger

Kenjirou's teeth clashed against one another, almost biting his own tongue as he slowly chewed the cone up with the male's hands still all up on him

"show me your tongue."

Semi ordered after a hot second of just making dead eye contact with the chewing male, his grip on Kenjirou's hair loosened; making the male's tensed shoulders drop down immediately

"mn- lre..h.." Kenjirou outwardly voiced his actions unintentionally, sticking his tongue out after he properly digested the cone; showing it to Semi to satisfy him.

"good boy." Semi's tone was complimentary, a pleased smile tugged his lips as he backed away and fully let go of the male

"jesus.." Kenjirou muttered to himself and fixed the backs of his hair, giving the taller an irritated look which the other returned it with a chuckle

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