Chapter 3 ~ Whats behind that door?

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It was the next evening and the gladers and I were sitting eating dinner.

"I wanna know what's behind that door" I muttered

"look y/n we've been over this. You said you saw bodies they were covered up so we don't know exactly what was under there" Newt spoke up "look it's better if we just keep our heads down and try not to draw attention to ourselves"

"yes but even Aris saw it aswell and he's been here the longest"

"who's Aris?" Minho asked

I pointed to Aris who was looking at a piece of bread weirdly and had his hood up.

"well I'm sold"

As he said that I stood up and walked towards the doors where the guards "what does she think she's doing" Newt said "I think she's drawing attention to herself" Frypan replied.

As I reached the guards I noticed Aris looking at me with a 'don't do it look'.

I approached the guards and tried getting past them but they pushed me back "get your ass back to your seat" I turned making them think I would back down without a fight. I then quickly turned around and charged towards the guards. But as I planned I was pushed back. "LET ME THROUGH!" I shouted but I felt arms pull me back. I turn around and see Thomas holding my arms.

"get that ugly rat out of my face" one of the guards said and I took a step back away from them.

Just as that happened Mr Ratman walked into the canteen "hey hey what's going on here? I thought we were on the same side here y/n?"

"are we?" I spat back

"take em to there bunks"

We were thrown into our rooms and locked in there so we couldn't get out.

"what the hell were you thinking!?" Newt shouts at me "you didn't really think that they were going to let you through that easily"

"no, no I didn't" reaching into my pocket and pulling out the key-card "I'm gonna find out the truth. That's what I'm going to do"

Newt scoffs at me "look y/n listen. All we know is that they rescued us from wicked and are helping us. They gave us new clothes a new bed. Some of us haven't had that in a long time. A lot longer than others" Newt gave me a stern look

"okay yes I might be going crazy but I need to find out what is on the other side of that door. Something about this place isn't right and I'm gonna find out what it is" Suddenly the vent door opened to find Aris laying there.

"what the?" Frypan stated

"hey y/n, Thomas let's go" Aris crawled back into the and I crawled in after with Thomas following me.

"look just cover for us okay?" Thomas said before crawling in after me.

We had made it to the room that we saw the doctors go into last night. As we made our way in I felt chills spiral down my spine.

When we walked in, there were bodies hanging from these tubes that were in there heads.

Thomas ran up to one of them thinking it's Teresa. Luckily it wasn't. Teresa and I were good friends and I didn't want to loose her.

"that's Rachel. We were in the maze togther. She was taken the first day we got here. I told her everything would be okay. I guess not" Aris explained I could see the pain in his face.

"I'm sorry to hear that Aris" Aris looked at me and nodded his head in a way of saying thanks.

When I was heading further down to look at the kids I heard the doors open behind us. It was Janson and a guard. Thomas Aris and I quickly hid behind some of the bodies.

Janson walked in and walked towards the front of the room talking. "couldn't she wait a bit I was busy doing something"

"no sir she said that it was really important"

"very well"

He walked up the front and a screen popped up showing a woman's face. Ava Paige...

"evening Janson. How is the cure working?"

"it's working fast Dr Ava Paige"

"well not fast enough I need more kids taken for the cure"

"may I suggest with the newest arrivals?"

"do what is needed to be done"

She's alive. Ava Paige is alive. But wait they were going after the newest arrivals and we were the newest arrivals. We had to get back to the others quick before they get Minho and the others....

Hey I hope you enjoyed this part! Next part will be them escaping wicked also for the death cure book I might do something unexpected so I'm going to tell you now. I might bring Chuck back in aswell with Gally as I feel like Chuck needs something to do with the last movie as he didn't get a big role! It'll be same sort of story line with Gally as I want them to become close in the 6 month time period! Anyways hope you has a great day! Bye shuck-faces! <3

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