Chapter 14 ~ Confessed

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We caught up with the others before looking around for any useful supplies that we could use to help us get to the right arm without dying.

Suddenly a shot flew past my arm and hit a car. Newt pulled me down next to him and hugged me tight making sure that I wouldn't get hit.

"Does anybody know where those bloody shots came from!" Newt shouted over to everyone.

Newts grip on my hand tightened and he pulled me closer to his chest.

Suddenly I hear a voice. A feminine voice. "Drop it!" Was all I heard before she came over to us and was telling us to stand up.

I stood up releasing my hand from Newts grip and putting my hands up in the air.

"Stand up!" Another girl says pointing at Teresa and Aris.

I looked at Aris and he looked at the girls with a confused look and the girls looked at him back like that.

"Aris?" The brunette said "Harriet?" Aris said back before going up and giving each other a hug.

"Sonya!" Aris said before giving his other friend a hug.

"Is anybody else confused?" Minho spoke up ruining the moment.

"We we're in the maze together!" Aris exclaims finally letting be free from confusion.

Time skip to being on the way to the right arm

I felt myself getting weaker by the second. We were on our way to the right arm and I was laying my head on Newts shoulder. I didn't want him to know that I had been bitten otherwise he would panic badly.

"Love? Are you alright your lips look purple and your face is very pale?" He asked in a concerned voice.

I just nodded my head as I felt to weak to speak. I could tell he was getting very suspicious about why I looked like this but I couldn't let him know anything.

When we arrived Newt helped me get out of the car with his arm around my waist supporting me. At this point I felt very faint and felt like I was about to die and give up on everything but I couldn't. I couldn't do that to Newt.

I heard people talking in the background but not much.

Suddenly my legs gave way and I collapsed onto the ground struggling to breathe.

"y/n? Y/N!" I heard Newts voice shout at me. All that could come out of my mouth was "I'm sorry I'm sorry".

I felt everyone's eyes on me and there confused faces then I felt my trousers being pulled up and everyone screaming saying 'we've got a crank'.

I heard a gun cock ready to be pulled and shot at me when I heard a woman's voice say "stop".

I opened up my eyes to see a woman around in her 40s looking down at me.

"Hello y/n,Thomas" I was so confused on why she said our names and I had a feeling it was a bad reason.

I felt people pick me up and bring me into a shelter. I was given some water and I felt better but not good though.

"Y/n?" I nodded my head "I need to give you some of Thomas' blood and it'll help you for a few months".

I just nodded my head I needed the pain to be over and done with so I could get out of here away from Thomas.

Time skip

I woke up a little later and decided to make my way to Newt and the others who were sat on a cliff top looking out to the horizon.

When I made my way up I could see Frypan and Minho giving me strange looks and kept raising there eyebrows at me. I just shook it off it was probably nothing anyway.

I sat down next to Newt and he started talking to me.
"How are you feeling love?" He asked me "I feel much better now that hopefully I will become stronger but Mary says the serum won't last long" I say disappointed.

Knowing that I was probably going to die soon breaks my heart because then I wouldn't be able to spend much time with Newt and I wouldn't be able to have a future with him.

"Hey y/n follow me" Newt said to me standing up and following him to the top of a mountain top.

I looked out over at the sunset thinking about how romantic it was but me and Newt weren't even tougher so it wasn't like we were gonna kiss or anything.

"Y/n. You make me the happiest person alive and always cheer me and you never give up. When I first saw you come up in box I knew that one day I was gonna make you mine and treat you like a princess but you and Thomas got together so I kept my distance from you so you and Thomas could have your connection. But ever since he cheated on you my feelings for you have become stronger and I need to ask you this question and I hope it doesn't train our friendship. Y/n. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I stood there not moving. Newt just confessed his feelings for me. I couldn't believe it.

I walked closer to him and wrapped my arms around Newts neck and connected my lips with his.

This kiss wasn't like any of the kisses that Thomas and I shared. This one felt like it had more of a connection and I had butterflies in my stomach.

His lips were soft and he kissed me gently and not rough like Thomas would. I was over the moon. The person that I had fell in love with for the first time loves me back.

I pulled away and just leaned my head against Newts before he spoke up "I guess that's a yes" I nodded my head quickly before pecking his lips again and grabbing his hand before running back down to the others and giving them all big hugs.

We all stayed chatting for a while before I heard noises of helicopters and I looked over the horizon to see two helicopters coming our way.

They found us.


Hey I hoped you enjoyed this chapter sorry it took so long to upload but I have just a little bit over a week at school and then I will be updating a lot more then. As I have 7 weeks off of school which I'm so lucky for. There are about 2 more chapters left then book 3 will be written.

We have grown so much in this past month and I am so grateful for every single person who has read this book especially ilovefakeguystooeasy she has been there for every chapter and I'm very thankful for that! Thank you so much and bye!

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