Chapter 13 ~ To The Right Arm

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I wake up panting for breath. I slowly open up my eyes to see a familiar face looking down at me.


"Hello love.." he said with his gentle voice that was so soothing to my ears. "Glad to see that your awake" he says with a big smile on his face.

I sit up with Newt helping me before I hear people shouting at each other so I turn my head and see Jorge beating up the guy who got us into this mess.

"Talk you son of a bitch!" Jorge shouts before throwing a punch at the man.

"I'm sorry but your going to have to leave my house" the guy says acting like nothing has happened.

"Looks like you've been having fun" Minho looked at me before chucking I gave him a glare saying 'not right now'.

"Listen I don't enjoy hurting you, just tell me where the right arm is Marcus" Jorge says panting out of breath. "Wait this is Marcus" I asked confused.

Marcus looks at me and starts laughing "the kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operations?" He asked hysterically.

"I know what you are hiding so tell and I'll make you a deal. You can come with us" Jorge offers

"Oh I burnt that bridge a long time ago, besides I make my own deal. Your the one who taught me never miss an opportunity" he says before chucking again.

"What's he talking about?" Newt chirped in

"I'm talking about supply and demand. Wicked wants all of the immunes that they can get. I help provide that for them. So I lure the kids in they get drunk have a good time and then later wicked comes in and we separate the weed from the chap" he explains giggling like a 5 year old girl.

"I changed my mind hermano I do enjoy hurting you" Jorge says in anger. I walk over getting annoyed at Marcus for not giving us answers before I push his chair down and grab a gun whilst aiming it at Marcus' head.

"NOW TALK! TALK!" I shout in his face "look now I'm not making any promises. They like to move around a lot" I pick up his chair so he can talk easier "It's a long way away. With wicked on your ass your never gonna make it" he says chuckling.

"Not on foot" Jorge starts "where's Bertha?" Marcus gulped before replying "n-not Bertha?"

Time skip cos I can 😩🤌🏻

Turns out Bertha was a car.

I sat in the back by the window with Newt next to me and Minho the other side of Newt.

I was tired after all the running away from the cranks so I laid my head on Newts shoulder before closing my eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

Newts POV

Y/n had fallen asleep on my shoulder and she looked like a baby the way she slept.

I felt someone's eyes burning in the back of my neck so I turn around and of course I see Thomas looking at me with a death glare.

"What do you want?" I spat at him knowing that he broke my best friends heart. 

"Uh I um just wanted to say sorry for what I did but I mean at least I have someone who isn't to clingy anymore" Thomas said giving me a death glare.

I ignored his comment and turned back around and laid my head on y/n head who was still fast asleep on my shoulder.

The journey wasn't to long before we had arrived at this abandoned road which had abandoned cars scattered everywhere.

I shook y/n to alert her that we were here but she was already awake and panting. I looked down at her and she looked at me in the eyes before she did something I would of never expected.


Newt was leading me through the corridors until we reached a room that I had never been in before.

"Newt what are you doing?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

Newt was my best friend and he meant so much to me. He was the first person to be there for me when I first arrived at the wicked compound. He was like a brother to me. But recently he's been acting strange but I'm sure it's nothing.

"Listen y/n I need to tell you something really important before something happens to both of us" he started and I looked at him with pleading eyes "ever since you have become my best friend my feelings for you aren't just love in a friend way it's a way that I love you so much that I want to be more than friends with you y/n. I bloody love you y/n" Newt says.

I didn't know what to say. I was with Thomas but was I really in love with him? My feelings for Newt were a bit odd but I didn't know what to do. So instead of saying something I ran out of the room back to my own before sitting on my bed and burst into tears.

I felt nothing but guilt in my stomach for doing that to Newt. He must've built up so much courage and yet all I did was just run.

Suddenly I wake up panting for breath. I look up and see that Newt is looking down at me.

That was not a dream. In fact it was a memory. Newt loved me before the maze. But Thomas? Was I really in love with him or was I just using him as a distraction.

I look back into Newts eyes and I knew from that moment I loved Newt.

I did something that I never thought I would do.

I kissed Newt. When I was kissing Newt I felt like nothing else was there. Just us. But kissing Thomas I felt nothing but guilt. I guess at least I knew who I really loved at long last.

I pulled away from the kiss after a few seconds and looked Newt in the eyes.

"I love you Newt. I had a memory that you confessed your love to me and I was with Thomas at the time I didn't know what to do but turns out I've loved you this whole time Newt. I love you" I told him. I saw a small smile creep onto his face and he kissed me again on the lips before separating and hugging me tight.

We both got out of the car and linked our hands together before walking off after the others.

I hope you liked this chapter and I know like we kinda of used Thomas as our distraction for our love to Newt but I mean he kinda deserves that cos Thomas was a bitch cheating on us but uh ye hehe. Thank you guys so much for the love and support especially ilovefakeguystooeasy she has commented on every chapter and voted so a big thank you to her/he. Sorry I forgot! Bye <3

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