Chapter 12 ~ Marcus

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When Brenda and I had started walking on ground a horrible pain shot through my leg making me sit down and check to see how bad the sting was.

I lifted up my sock to reveal a deep black and purple gash in my left ankle.

"Shit" I muttered to myself. Brenda walked over and examined the gash and knew it wasn't good but we had to keep moving.

"Come on let's keep going we need to find Marcus"

We kept on walking in-between crowds with lots of people who have rags on them and children running and screaming.

We kept walking till we reached a place which had music blasting out of it.

"Stay close to me and don't walk off okay?" I nodded my head ensuring that I was gonna stay with her.

We walked closer to the place when a woman came up behind me and spoke into my ear "you here for the party?"

I stepped away from her before a man come over to us "are you Marcus?" Brenda asked.

"Oh me? Marcus? Nope I own this house but I'm no Marcus.." he said with a smirk on his face.

"Do you know where we can find him?" I chirped in.

"Well yes. In Zone B" he says with a chuckle. "And where's Zone B" I ask confused.

"Oh it's where they burn all the bodies..." he says chucking once again.

"We'll have there been any kids around our age? A girl with brown hair and a boy with blonde hair?" I asked "I mean many people have come in and out of this place but I'm sure I saw them walk in earlier. Here drink this." He puts a bottle filled with green liquid in front of me but neither me or Brenda take it. "Drink it!" He shouts at us and Brenda snatches the bottle from the guys hand and glues some down and then I bring mine to my lips and the woman from earlier tips it upside down and makes me glug a lot. It tasted bitter and made me feel dizzy.

He opened up a curtain and pushed us inside. Inside there were people partying and drinking lots of alcohol. In one corner people were cheering at this guy to shoot the crank and he did but I looked away just in time.

I carried on walking till I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turn around and see Brenda looking at me. Her face was all pale and she looked badly drunk.

"There not here" she says looking tipsy. Although I was feeling dizzy and felt like passing out I had to keep looking for the others hoping to find them in this rotten place.

"No Brenda we need to keep looking for them. We need to find them." She just shook her head at me before coming closer to me.

"Just relax we'll find them soon" she says before she did something I didn't expect.

She kissed me.

She grabbed hold of my neck and kissed me for around 20 seconds before breaking apart from me.

I stood there staring at her before I hear screaming. I look around and see Newt, Frypan and Minho all looking like cranks.

I keep spinning around and see there all trying to lunge for me making my head go dizzy.

Suddenly I heard familiar voices calling my name I kept twirling around trying to find the voices but it was no use. I fell to the ground in panic before my vision went black.

Hey I hope you enjoyed this chapter! We're already close to finishing this book and then the third book will be the last and as I'm a nice person there will be an ending that I hope you will like! Thank you so much for all the support you guys have given me it means so much! I love you all! Bye <3

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