"Lovino, te amo"

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(Sups I know I haven't posted on this one in a bit, but I had an idea, been a bit obsessed with Spamano recently! Ps. if its in italicized parenthesis there will be something at the end explaining. Pps. Uh bit wordy) 

'Blah blah' = Characters thoughts 

'blah blah' =  Past character speaking in a memory 

'blah blah'=  Twin telepathy bitch 0v0 


Have you ever had someone who loves you? Yeah? Whether it be your family, friends, your mafia buds because they love your accuracy you know like normal.

Hell I don't even have that. I don't get the respect my fratello gets. Scusi, mi fratellino. He's loved by everyone. Even some of the older countries. We've been around since 800 BC.

Not many know that. I'm not even fully related to Veneziano. Much like the other countries, I was a colony, a Greek colony. Famine and overpopulation, you know the usual, caused my first people to head my way.

How else do you think me and Veneziano were able to see Nonno?

Idiota tomato bastard is a young country and people still assume I'm younger.

Bastard was founded in 1512.....I care. I really do. Technically he was founded before then, he was unified in 1512. Lovino you idiota, all you know is screw up!

Can't even tell fratellino I love him.

Who cares.....malaka like me can't do anything right. Not even live.

That's why I guess I'm portrayed as lazy. I should sleep theres a thing I'm supposed to do with Veneziano tomorrow. Ciao...

Getting done writing in his diary, Lovino closes the leather and handmade paper book. Tying the string to keep it closed he walked over to his book case and moved a cook book out of the way and pressing the book to the back of the shelf. Then hiding it with the cook book Spain got him.

A far off look in his eyes, a hazel green mix. 'Hide they say. Lovino you wouldn't understand, your too young..' He thought back to his Nonno's words.

"Bullshit, anyone, age or whatever can understand." Lovino walks across the dark room with a candle. He placed it down on the beside table and got in bed.

Staring at the ceiling he smiles slightly, laughing at himself covering his eyes with his arm.

"Like he'd ever like me"

And the tears flowed.


"Come on mon ami drink a little"

"Ja! Trinkt like ein Mann!"

"I just don't feel up to it Chico's.." the Spaniard laid his head down on the bar.

Gilbert looked at him. "This isn't about that Frau right? She was a total loser! No one insults my drinking und gets away with it!"

"It's not about the Chica" The man says drinking water.

Francis hums drinking his wine, "He's in love", saying this with a smirk, like the smartass he is. Gilbert whips his head to look at the man. "WAS?!" The man is blind, no seriously, he has poor eyesight. Antonio looks at him softly. "Sí one cannot hide it. I've said it so much, they just don't believe me."

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