Father I love you.

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(This is a Father Iggy and a daughter reader)

How he found out. Arthur's pov

The Englishman had fallen in love with a beautiful woman and surprise surprise she loved him back.

Arthur courted (m/n) for seven years before getting married at 19.

A year later his wife had been feeling sick. She's actually been getting sick throughout the day and it worried the big browed man.

He wouldn't really let your mother do anything. "Love your sick please rest till we find out what's wrong, or until it passes okay?"

Your mother hated being babied. "Arthur Kirkland I can bloody well take care of myself !! So don't worry and go work!"

Arthur sighs and sadly went to work before hearing your mom run and throw up the wretched bile in to a bucket that was used for a toilet. He ran in after her rubbing her back "Love we need to take you to a doctor or get one to come here."

Your mother sighed and nods "Fine then.."

Once the doctor got to Arthur's house and looked at your mother he asked Arthur to come in and sit down. "So is everything okay??" His voice was laced with worry and held your moms hand as if he let go she'd disappear.

The doctor looked at the two and asked the general question. "Have you two had sex?"

Arthur blushed heavily and looked at him "Of course we have! We're married!" Your mother was so red she looked as if she would pass out.

The doctor smiles "Well Mister and Mistress Kirkland I'm glad to announce that you will be parents in the near future!"

Arthur nods keeping calm and let the doctor leave after asking for some things they should know. (M/n) walked up and stared at her husband that was closing the door who had gone silent.

"A-Arthur are you m-" before your mother could finish Arthur picked her up and twirled around with her in his arms.

(M/n) giggles softly once she was finally put down. Arthur kissed her softly. "What in the Queens name makes you think I'm upset about a child...no our child coming into this world."

(M/n) smiles and nods holding the blonde brit close.

3 months in

(M/n) looked in the mirror putting on her nightgown getting ready to turn in for the night. She squealed once she saw it.

Of course it scared the hell out of Arthur. He ran upstairs from the small living room into the shared bedroom. "Love are you okay?!" His voice sounded concerned and worried.

"Oh yes I very much am darling! Look!" She held her stomach which had just started to show. Arthur was amazed. He couldn't fathom that his baby was the reason for his angel of a wife to glow even more then she did.

"Arthur??" He walked over and hesitantly put his hands on her stomach. "Is this okay?" He asked smiling tears forming.

(M/n) nods happily "Of course! Darling if anything it should be happening all the time! A friend of mine said it's good to start your relationship early even if you can't touch them yet."

Arthur nods and looked at his wife. "Thank you for carrying the most beautiful thing known to man"

(M/n) looked at him and crossed her arms. "I thought you said that was me!" Arthur chuckles "your the most beautiful thing known to the universe love"

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