How you met them- Canada

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(What's worse then who? Sign says who's Canada Prussia going in for the meme Canada! Matthew smiles thanks Gil ignore this^^ sorry)

1918 WWI was coming to an end. And you being home in Canada was ready to see your brother again. You paced the airport.

Your brother was a flyer. He's always loved planes. You adored them but most girls that loved messing around with vehicles were shunned so...

You were shunned.

And your brother was happy no guy cared for an actual human instead of a piece of human that didn't actually know how to fix a car if it broke down. (Sorry I don't either. I can drive. Illegally)

Your brother was extremely overprotective when it came to you.

The war wasn't over but your brothers service was he had gotten hurt in a plane crash..(I READ THIS OVER AND IT SAID PLANET CRASH🤣)

Once you spotted your brother you hugged him tightly and kissed is head "Philip don't scare me shitless" oh yea that's another reason you weren't a "proper lady".

He hugged you tightly till you slapped him. "you dumbass! You could've died!"

He chuckles and points at you "but I didn't."

You sighed and looked at the other injured pilot. "Oh is he okay?"

Your brother nodded "he's our commander seeing me off"  before he could stop you, you ran over and smiled.

He smiles back a polar bear hugging his back. You reached out your hand "(y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you sir"

He smiles softly accepting your handshake. "Call me Matthew."

You read his name tag. 'Matthew Williams' was on it. "nice to meet you Matthew. Thanks for coming here with my look hurt as well.."

Matthew smiles "Yea your brother Handled that crash expertly." Your brother sheepishly scratches his neck "not without you Mr.Williams."

Matthew smiles softly again. "Well it's thanks to you for actually listening to me for once."  You giggled "He's a stubborn one" your brother blushed and hid his face before seeing your mom and running over to hug her.

You smiles then turn to Matthew. "It's been amazing meeting you Matthew"

Matthew nods "hey uhm when I get back do you mind if I take you somewhere?"

You smile and nods "Of course." You thought and smile wider "only if it counts as a date?"

Matthew chuckles and smiles "Of course Princesse" he bowed and you laughed him soon joining you.

Oh how this relationship was gonna turn out.

(Precious bean! 412 words)

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