How you met them- Germany

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(So quarantine has given me time for ideas to flow!)

1947 post World War Two. Y/n Pov

The german streets were quiet. The children didn't go outside nor did they really want to.

They were scared.

Bombs had hit their home a lot more then they could ever think. Mothers didn't want to lose their kids so they were always watching them. Fathers went to work and loved being able to see their wives and children smile.

The once beautiful country had once again fallen. And it wasn't their fault.

Neither was it Ludwig's.

He was constantly blamed for messing up millions of lives and killing in cold blood.

But he didn't do that. Humans seem to like repeating history. After Hitler died he had been trying to fix his issues.

But nothing changed.

Lately in world meetings he has been silent. While everyone was either yelling, eating, or trying to kill each other.

Y/n picked up on it. She was a sweet human. She brought in the food and drinks for when the meeting would last longer then expected.

She also worked in the office.

The current meeting had just gotten over with and Ludwig was cleaning.

"Mr. Beilschmidt?" She looked to the quiet country. "Ja Frau-?" The german looked at her expectantly. "Oh Uh....y/n l/n." The tall male nods looking at the smaller person. "Ludwig Beildschmidt, vhat do jou need Frau l/n?"

The h/c girl looked at him smiling with empathy. "Well I've noticed you've been down lately and I wanted to cheer you up!" Even though the female was going through the same issue. Well not really. She had just lost her best friend in a war. As well as had a hard time paying bills.

Ludwig looked at her softly "jou don't need to vorry frau l/n I'm fine.." he picked up the rest of the papers and went to leave.

"Dankeschön frau l/n."

"Gern geschehen, Herr Belidchimidt"

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