Romeo and Juliet?

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(Hello! I'm feeling sick remembered I had this picture so here we go!)

The day was cold normally people would stay inside or wear a jacket, ear muffs, and gloves. But........
Not Feliciano. He loved going outside, especially when there was snow. Of course most the time they were in a different country when it snowed. Romano?

Oh hell no. He hated snow! It got in his way and slowed him down. That's all he needed to know. Currently it was supposed to snow within the next few days.

Most people loved it. Not him. He would wonder: "Why must they like this powder that inconveniences them?"

He wasn't happy.

Romano walked toward his brother. "why  must-a you have to do this-a fratello?"

Feliciano reply's happily "Why not-a? The ball is in-a day and I'm-a going to see Ludwig!"

Romano sighs "potato bastard? What is with you at him-a?"

Then their other brother came in. Most people call him Seb. He lived in Seborga which was unique to the family. "Well how have-a you two been?"

Romano sighs more 'why do I have to be around these bastards?' He Walks over to his designer.

"Romano what would-a you like to dress in-a?"
Romano dreaded the next day not to mention this one.

Time skip ! Brought to you by the Micro-Nations

Romano looked at the guest list in his suit. A black suit with a red tie and multiple red accents. He groans putting his face in his hands "Why is he coming?"

Romano has always know the Spaniard it wasn't like he didn't like him. But something made him feel different about Antonio.

Antonio was weird, annoying, dumb, oblivious, cute, and was good with kids.

Not to mention that ass.

Romano didn't think he was gay. His brother was to the moon- wait- past Uranus and whenever it would hit something or turn around it would finally come back.

Romano loved and supported his brother. But why with the potato bastard? He couldn't place.

Feliciano always smirks when he saw his older brother get gayer and gayer every second he was with Antonio.

It was amusing the way the two interacted.

Romano looked at everything.

"Yes fratello its time to make pasta"

Spain's Pov

I wake up to the sound of screaming. Ah that must be Gilbert. I stayed over at his house because me, him, and Francis wanted to have like a sleepover. It was in Gilbert's words. AWESOME! We played video games and drank alcohol! At one point I remembered that we had a ball to go to so we talked about who might be there.

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