How you met them- Russia

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(Baby boi is all I have to say)

WW2 1941
Pain. That's all you could feel. You were a proud Russian. But at this point was it worth it.

You couldn't see the world. The bright colour filled world. Blood had fallen into your eyes you'd definitely need glasses if you weren't blind already. 

You had come in contact with a German. He was shaking in fear once he saw you. The only weapon you had was a stick. A metal stick.

Okay you had a pipe. You kicked his ass yes, but still you were in the middle of nowhere to you. The streets cleared of people.

Until you heard the crisp crunch of snow under a boot. You turn and put your hands out scared you had finally met your end.

"Hello? Your eyes are bleeding... here follow me I'll help you ."
You decided to trust the strange man and walked with him him holding you hand to make sure you didn't hit or get lost.

Soon you felt a warm rag on you face cleaning the dirt and blood.

"Hello I'm Katyusha I'm going to help you clean up." You nod and open your eyes once you felt like you could. Everything was bright and blurry.

"Everything's blurry" The woman you know as Katyusha nods. "yes it seems you'll have permanent eye damage.."

You nod and look around. "Are you hungry we have leftovers." This causes you to smile it reminding you of your mom. Katyusha takes you to the dinning room and two figures come in.

"Is this the thing you said could be blind?" Katyusha pops her head. "Natalya be nice! She needs our help!"

You giggle "I'm fine, thank you for helping me."  The tallest out of the three blurs walk over to you "You've heard my sisters names so I should tell you mine.."

You smile "My name is (y/n) (l/n)."  You extend your hand.

He smiles faintly and returns the handshake. 

"My name is Ivan Braginski"

(Alright so that might've been weird but it's what I could do. Schools out and they've given us work. Anyways have a nice Quarantine! 362 words!)

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