How you met them- N. Italy

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( This is Feli not lovi just so you know!)

1936 North Italy. Citizens pov

Italy had changed. The streets were quiet, the sky seemed dark. Benito Mussolini had just formed an alliance with Nazi Germany. The citizens were concerned for their beautiful country. They hoped that joining in the fight with Germany would protect them more so then if they fought against.

They wished someone would do something.

They wished Italy could do something.

Third person

Y/n a very beautiful Italian smiled. She always smiled. Till that day. Once she found out that her words could do nothing to save her family nor her own lives, she needed something to do. 

Her mama always compared her to flowers. So that's what she did. Y/n got a nice place two years before Italy allied with Germany. 

Flowers covering the store ranging from roses to sunflowers. 

The poor store was in shambles now.

Y/n looked at the destroyed shop and the broken glass on the floor. The crunch of her boots made her wince. Her shop was gone through by the Nazis. They took and destroyed.....everything. Petals everywhere on the floor and on tables dirt was scattered.  

Her favorite flower a lily. The National flower for the beautiful a bright country was torn and broken into pieces on the floor. 

The sound of a broom hitting the floor moving the sharp pieces of glass into a dust pan. Y/n just wanted happiness .....was it really that hard?

As she finally got the last of the glass into the garbage bin she walked to the front of her store. The glossed over e/c looked at how quick her joy turned to sadness. The joy in having to take care of something again....something living. 

Her legs gave out. Y/n fell to the ground as they world seemed to disappear darkness clouding around her. 

A pair of boots walked behind her and quickly stopped. 

The North Italian looked at her. His bright amber eyes looking at the girl in front of him. The boy walked around to the front of her. 

Y/n's pov 

I was crying when I heard a few pair of boots walk past me. 'Great now i'm turning invisible...' My heart ached, my lungs burned from not getting enough air, and my vision went dark my only light crushed by the Nazis. 

When I went to look up at my store I was blinded. His chocolate covered hair, his beautiful amber colored eyes, and his slightly tanned skin. 

Though my eye sight was blurred I could see him.

His hand was reached out to me?

" Ciao Bella signora. Why are you crying?" I looked at him, then past him at my store. "M-my store it was the only thing I had to light my dark life."

He looked behind him and smiled. "It's a very pretty shop bella." At this point I took his hand and he helped me up.

"Well Bella whats your name?"

I was hesitant. 

Third person.

Feliciano looked at her smiling softly.

Y/n couldn't handle the brightness and closed her eyes telling him her name. 

"Y/n L/n. And you sir?"

Feliciano smiles and looked at her as she opened her eyes. He pulled a lily he found and made it look like it appeared from behind her head tilting it toward her one eye closed. 

"Feliciano Vargas at your service bella."

( we all know feli knows how to flirt and he can flirt very well. 580 words)

Ciao Bella signora - Hello beautiful lady. 

Google translate! So it can be wrong.

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