How you met them- America

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1920 the roaring 20s. It was a crazy fun time. More people out. More people getting drunk. More things under the table.

You don't really care for short dresses or dresses in general. Hence why more women wore pants then normal.

You also sang. Like an Angel. It seduced so many men you were concerned with your own life. On stage you wore either white or black dresses that had slits up the side. It also showed some cleavage but you didn't care as long as no one touched you and you got paid.

You wore your white dress this particular night and was walking on stage men and women alike cheering for you.

There were more people today but one caught your eye. A boyish looking man tall but very handsome and breathtaking.

The sky blue eyes threw you for a loop and the Sun kissed hair looked you over up and down.

He watched your every move.

You sang a song and focused on him and only him. The whole crowd brought in by your voice.

You don't know how or when but he suddenly made his way to the front. So you bent down and put your hand under his chin and lifted it up standing with your movements turning and looking straight ahead finishing your song.

Once you changed clothes and cleaned the makeup off your face you heard a knock on the door opening it to reveal the man-child looking human.

"Hello how may I help you sir?"

He smiles wide and happy. "My I speak with you miss?" You nodded and let him in.

"So what do you need me for?"

"Just to get to know you Ms.(l/n)"

You smirked "Ah yes what's your name?"

He chuckles and grabbed your hand kissing it.

"Alfred, Alfred Jones"

(Boom another one~! 312 wordos)

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