"How many times?"

20 1 0

(Have fun Gertia)

Oh look at her. Elizabeta is beautiful today. The dress definitely fits her body. Oh there Ivan I didn't expect him to show up here. That's a long way considering the war we just fought.

What is Arthur doing here? I destroyed his land cities and killed many of his people.

I walk around happily and smile at everyone around me. I see my friends smile back at me.

The white Lily's and the cornflowers make a beautiful bouquet. I turn to see most the world here.


I caused so much pain to everyone. Kiku smiles softly looking at me. Then stood heading to Alfred.

Then Francis, Antonio and oh Gilbert. They crowd around me. In this setting I don't mind I guess. I love that my brother cares. I love that anyone cares.



His chocolate coloured hair his beautiful amber eyes. His skin the colour as if the sun kissed him. Small but mighty.


My love. I never said so. But I do.

So sweet, kind, and all around cute. He's smiling happily with his brother holding his hand.

Everyone seems so happy. I'm glad I could make them this way.

I sit up and watch as a crate is lowered into the ground. Everyone including humans gather. They say goodbye to Hitler. My boss who caused this war.

The countries keep smiling as the threat is gone. I'm happy he is too.

Feliciano.....I watch the countries leave for some much needed rest. I watch him leave alone.

Romano started crying in the car. Clinging to Antonio.

Francis held Arthur's hand them frowning. Holding back tears for later.

Ivan held Yaos hand looking at each other in the car them smiling sadly. Yao close to crying. Ivan holding back.

Alfred held Kiku who was crying in the separate car from the other duos.

Everyone together trying to stay strong..

Matthew...oh thank you. You may have never been noticed but, Gilbert needs you. Please be his hero.

I should go to Feliciano.

Feliciano was alone in the car.

I get in and smile at him. He smiles softly and starts driving. Driving to my house.

I see my sweet dogs bark and jump at Felicianos feet. Them happy we're home. I smile happily.

Feliciano shuts the door and locks it as he walked to my room and shut the door.

Why is he in there?

Feliciano......don't cry.

I walk in and hear the sounds of whimpering and muffled crying on my bed.


"I'm here Feliciano."

Why do I try?

He can't hear me.

No matter how much I try.

I hate it.
I can't help.
He's crying.

It's my fault.

Everyone is crying.

Because of me.

Germany was hit hard. I...I died.

I didn't expect them to act sad.

Why would they? I hurt them. I destroyed and killed their people.

I also hurt Feli.

Why are they crying for me?

Feli I'm sorry.

I love you.

Two weeks later *Feli*

I look around and smile happily. Then go home. Luddys home. I miss luddy.

He died and I still can't get over it.

Kind of like the Holy Roman Empire.

I miss him too.

Now that I think about it. Everything I love dies. Is Lovino next? Please not my Fratello.

Italy? Is it that. The failure of Italy and the fall of it?

No I can't lose anything else. I'll die before that happens.


That voice is Luddys. I hear it all the time. But it's not real. I have to get used to Luddy not being here.

"Feliciano I'm here. Please don't."

I turn from my view of the beautiful German city below me quickly. And I'm met with a tall, pale, star blonde hair, and sky blue eyes. This man.


"Yes Feliciano I'm here. Not a dream. So please don't jump.."

I smile and giggle tears falling down my face. "I've lost counts of how many times you've died in front of me."

Luddy smiles and walked closer holding me in his strong and solid arms.

"Two..and as far as I'm concerned I think I'll stay with you."

This confused me. I thought Luddy didn't like me that way. "What do you mean Luddy?"

He smiles. A real smile.

"Ich liebe dich"

I almost cry hearing those words.

"Ti amo anch'io Luddy."

(So i found this idea on Pinterest...yay! 742 words.)

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