How you met them- France

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(Sorry bout inactivity)

1944 WWII raged on. Paris was taken over by the Nazis. It wasn't fun. You had moved there five years ago. You were 20 then.

You moved later then you wanted to due to your parents being worried about the war. You were now obviously twenty-five and your parents had moved in with you from Normady. It was concerning considering you just got swept with Nazis running through your house.

Why? Why did they sweep through your house?

Cause you were a French freedom fighter. Viva la resistance! (Might be wrong) They of course didn't know cause they were way stupider then yourself. (Yay grammar) Since then you've never told your parents like you intended.

One of the members of the resistance was going to stay in your house for a bit.

Just for safety..

And good food.

So you agreed. His name was Francis Bonnefoy. He was twenty-six years old from what you knew. You didn't know much about them but you were hoping that it helped get the war over and done with.

Your family was sitting playing cards as you cooked dinner. It around seven pm. When you and your family heard a knock on the door.

You walked over to the door and opened it nicely and had a smile on your face.

You spoke in broken German. "Hast du jemals französische Gedichte gelesen?" (Have you ever read French poems?)

The blond smiles and also spoke in broken German "Ja, Liberté von Paul Éluard ist ziemlich gut." (Yes,Liberté by Paul Éluard is pretty good.)

You let him in and shut the door speaking in English. "Mr. Bonnefoy I presume?"

"Mrs.(l/n) I presume?"

You giggles quietly "I'm not married sir"

He smirks chuckling "Well I'd like to see that happen..."

(Yea short but sweet next is Alfie!! 310 wordos!)

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