6- Continuously Shattered

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"Harry, please!"

Harry dropped all of the snacks and blankets in the doorway and hurried off to his own dorm. I quickly got up and sprinted after him. He slammed his door and locked it. I sighed and pulled out my wand hesitantly.


The door clicked and I walked in. Harry was laying in his bed, face down, atop all of his covers lazily.

"Harry, I didn't want to tell you that I knew. Although, I guess that's pretty useless to say now, but I assure you it's not a problem at all. We are still friends and your feelings don't change that. It happened to Draco and I too, if you don't recall. I wasn't over George and I knew that Draco liked me but our relationship was strictly platonic for awhile."

"You really don't care?" he asked childishly, his voice muffled from his pillow.

"I really don't. I've had enough ruined relationships for one day, please don't add to the list."

He sat up from his bed and scoped me out, as if he was trying to see if I was being completely honest with him.

"It's not like I'm going to make a move on you or anything, you know? It's completely understandable that you're simply taking time to heal and then continuing with Malfoy." I nodded and he sighed while speaking again. "I really wish I didn't find out like that."

"It's better this way; there nothing to hide between us."

"We're good?"

"Yes, Harry. We are great."

He gave me a small smile and I lifted him off his bed while leading us back to Hermione's dorm to watch a movie and eat snacks.

"We're back!" I announced.

Ron eagerly stopped eating while waiting for us to tell him what just occurred in the few short minutes that passed.

"Everything is fine."

Ron sighed and proceeded to eat but Hermione sent me a bright smile.

To my surprise and pleasure, the rest of the night wasn't awkward and we all got along normally. I felt myself drifting off on Ron's shoulder and then everything dissolved away.

When I awoke in the morning I was on the floor next to Harry. Ron had practically the whole bed to himself while Hermione had a small sliver on the edge, looking as though she would fall off any minute.

I checked the time and hopped up, quietly slipping out of the room and heading to my dorm.

As I walked in, nobody was in the room, leaving me alone to do whatever I'd like. I went over to my bed and noticed a piece of beige parchment folded on my bed.

I unfolded it hesitantly and began reading.

Dear imbecile girlfriend,

I recall all our adventures from the past and I'm not sure they'll ever leave my mind. My vulnerability attracted you and convinced you to express yourself to me as much as I did to you. I poured my heart to you as you listened intently, giving superior advice. The feelings of dread and darkness all disappeared every time you simply stood near me, cupped your hands on my face, or kissed me desperately, as if you were using your last breath to aid me into happiness.

Your touch was magic. Your passion was as rich as a thousand galleons, but I shouldn't say that — your love was ultimately worth more than a vault full of coins. It seemed inevitable for us to end together, I suppose that all good things must come to an end — unfortunately including us.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now