11- Discovering Dragons

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⚠️TW⚠️: mentions of abuse (tw will be put right above the scene and when it's over so don't be afraid to read!)

As usual, classwork began piling up and stress was upon us, as well as anxiousness for the first task of the Triwizard tournament. The champions still had no idea what to expect and the rest of the students grew impatient as the days crept by.

Draco and I went back to our old bickering selves after the camping trip ended, as if it were a reality check. His flirtatious personality never escaped him but my stubbornness came back, and he was very aware of it. Even though holding hands with him caused nostalgia to overpower me, I knew it was for the best to stay away after the constant arguments and jealousy problems we faced all throughout our relationship.

Transfiguration class was interesting, meaning I decided upon paying attention.

"Want to meet in the cupboard afterward?" Draco whispered, endeavoring to annoy me.

"Yes," I mumbled, although not actually listening to what he was saying.



He quizzically glanced at me while I practiced a difficult spell on my goblet atop the table in front of me.

"You're not even listening to me," complained the poor boy.

"Do I ever?" I questioned, turning away from my transfigured goblet and sending him a fake apologetic smile.

"Apparently not."

I only slightly smirked and then turned my head back to my cup, trying to undo the transformation spell I put upon it while he attempted on his own and failed.

He frequently groaned after reciting the spell and forcefully pointing his wand to his own detailed, silver goblet — which didn't help much in the end.

"Help," he whined.

I sighed and turned my body to face him.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, tell me what I'm doing wrong at least."

He did the spell again and I noticed he had the wrong wand movement.

"Wave in a circle and then a line," I instructed. "You're doing it backwards."

He did a wonky movement with his wand and I laughed at his inability to follow directions. He only scoffed.

"Like this," I said, sighing and standing behind him, my hand over his, helpfully guiding him in the rhythm of the wand movement. "Now do it yourself."

My hand lingered on his for just a quick second and then I took it away, waiting for him to perform the spell while I sat in my own seat.

He did it differently then displayed and his goblet swiftly transformed into a necklace.

"How'd you do that? It's supposed to turn into a plate!"

He grinned criminally and threw the necklace at me. It landed in my lap and I carefully held it up as it shone and sparkled when the light from the classroom candles reached it. The diamonds reflected light into my eyes, temporarily blinding me.

"You did it wrong on purpose," I whispered.

"Keep it."

I shook my head, resulting in him to visibly become frustrated at my denial for his kind gift.

"Y/n, just keep it. It doesn't have to mean anything. Consider it a — er — just a thanksgiving gift."

I gripped the necklace tightly before stowing it away in my bag. He looked content after I officially accepted the gift due to his small smirk that formed as he turned his head away from mine.

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