30- Cupcakes and Chaos

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After leaving Snapes classroom, I sprinted back to the common room to find Draco. I opened the door by speaking the password and he wasn't sitting in the common room. I sighed heavily and ran to his dorm, where he, once again, was not present. My last resort was my own dorm.

I hurried down the boys dormitory stairs and up the girls'. I stormed into my dorm and saw Draco fiddling with my black nail polish.

"Snapes my guardian," I said and he turned around sharply. "He found out that I don't tell my parents where I go over the summer and he offered to be my guardian."

"How do you feel about that?" Draco asked nonchalantly.

"Fine, I suppose. It's just a bit odd, isn't it? My professor is practically adopting me. And what about Finn? Is he going to go back to M/n and D/n's house?"

"I don't know."

I rolled my eyes at his response.

"You'll figure it all out. You always do. Besides, Snape will always let you visit me. He is a family friend and all."

"That's all you care about? Seeing me?"

He nodded while I smiled and squeezed past him, holding the nail polish up and guiding him to Pansy's vanity.

"Sit," I ordered.

He obeyed and I sat on his lap while his hands sat flatly on the vanity surface.

While I began painting his right hand, his chin rested on my shoulder. I looked over and laughed lightly while he intently watched me finish painting.

"They look good," I said.

"You do too."

I looked at him, laughing, and he gave me a soft kiss on the neck. Butterflies swarmed in my stomach and I swallowed hard.

Once his right hand was fully completed, I moved on to his left to distract myself from Draco completely. I could feel his chest rise and fall against my back and although I was flustered, I felt so comfortable and safe in that moment.

Once I finished entirely, I hopped up from his lap while he blew his fingernails dry. I washed the nail polish residue off of my fingers and then proceeded back into my dorm, walking up to Draco and slinging my arms around his neck from the back, as if I was going to choke him.

He looked over his shoulder at me and tried to lean in for a kiss but I looked away. He gasped in disbelief and reached for me.

"Nails!" I shouted.

He stopped instantly and sighed, placing his hand back on the vanity. I raised my eyebrows at him while he glared at me.

After a few minutes of a staring contest, I determined that he could touch his nails. They were finished and I smiled at the finished product.

"Do you like them?" I asked.

He held his hands in the air, twisting them and checking out several angles.

"They're interesting," he concluded. "I do admit that they're nice."

"I knew you would like them."

"Did you?" he questioned, standing up and slowly walking towards me.

I nodded and he sent a grin as I hit my back to the wall.

"Trapped, are we?"

"Only me."

He chuckled enticingly while grabbing my chin in his hand and kissing me gently on the lips for several seconds.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now