20- 1995

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"I'm sorry, who will be attending Hogwarts?"

"Your parents have agreed to let Finn, your brother, finally come to Hogwarts this year."

"Professor McGonagall, I do not have a brother."

"They also said you would be confused. Apparently he has been in hiding all along; he ran away from home at eleven after being denied privileges to attend Hogwarts by your parents, but he fortunately arrived back at your doorstep last week and they have agreed to let him attend school with you."

My brain was having trouble wrapping around this concept of another sibling.

"He ran away at eleven? Was he living in my house? How old is he now?"

"I don't know his personal story. I do know that he is sixteen and will be attending sixth year."

My breath staggered and I was feeling quite dizzy. Professor McGonagall patted me on the shoulder as I firmly gripped the side of the chair.

"Did Eleanor know him?"

"I'm sorry, dear. I have no further information on him. He will be arriving after winter break, you are free to ask him any questions you have once he is here. I didn't mean to shock you, but it was extremely important that you knew."

I nodded in agreement, walking out of the small office and ignoring Draco who had been waiting outside as my head pounded with questions.

I then walked up to my dorm, Draco begging for answers behind me, seeing as I just stormed out of McGonagall's office with no word to what's got me so unnerved.

I opened my dorm door, replaying the conversation in McGonagall's office before heading to the bathroom and locking the door behind me.

Draco sighed an exasperated sigh before unlocking the door with a simple spell and watching me pace the room.

"Y/n, what happened?"

I didn't respond, continuing to come up with more questions in my mind.

Did Eleanor know about him? Had she been lying to me all along? Did Finn only run away because my parents wouldn't allow him at Hogwarts? Why'd they let me come to Hogwarts if he couldn't? Did he move into the Muggle world with us and I just didn't realize? How is any of this possible?

"I — I have a brother."

"A brother?"

I nodded and he grabbed my wrists, stopping me from physically moving. I froze in place at his touch and a yearn to find answers about Finn rushed through me.

"Where is he?" Draco asked gently.

"Apparently my parents forbade him from attending Hogwarts so he ran away as a kid. McGonagall said he showed back up at my parents doorstep and now they're allowing him to come here, probably to meet me and make my life worse like they've always wanted."

"It's exciting, isn't it?" he uncertainly asked.

"Exciting? Malfoy, I don't know this guy! He could be a serial killer that my parents have planned to attack me in the middle of the night. Not to mention you'll probably be in the bed with me, meaning a double homicide."

"Come off of it. He's not going to kill you. He'd have to get through me first."

I nodded shortly at his comforting words and leaned in for a gentle kiss, immediately turning intense. My back was against the wall and his nose was brushing up against my cheek each time he leaned back in. He bit my lip violently.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now