𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑻𝒘𝒐

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The halfway mark of summer officially hit. Realization rained down on Draco, considering he seemed a bit down. Despite going to the Weasleys, I could still visit Draco sporadically. He only had two issues: the Weasleys in general and me not spending every free moment with him.

Morning struck and I awoke in the familiar Slytherin-dressed bed, cuddled up next to Draco. His hand was snaked around me and his chin was rested in the crook of my neck. His consistent breathing was hot against my skin and his leg was overtop of mine, pinning me down as if he wanted to keep me hostage.

It was rather funny. The way he could hold me down and privately snog me but the moment we stepped into public, he refrained due to my own preferences; I wasn't big on public displays of affection, though I frequently bit down my feelings and held hands with him for his sake.

I attempted to slide out of his grip but every moment I moved, his hands cupped me tighter and he pulled me closer.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips until Draco finally woke up, loosening his grip. I was then able to slip out of his bed and head to his restroom to brush my teeth.

He followed in right after me and we were quickly scrubbing our teeth side by side, gently smiling each time we made eye contact through the mirror.

Once we finished brushing, I placed my toothbrush on the sink and washed my hands. I went to exit the bathroom but he grabbed my wrist and spun me around, looking down on me friskily.

I smiled at him and tried to escape his grip but he pulled me closer to his face.

He placed a small kiss on my lips and I laughed at his dramatic behavior for a small representation of affection.

"That wasn't good enough," he mumbled. "Mind if we try again?"

I nodded shortly and we had a longer kiss. Not the usual butterflies-in-my-stomach and fireworks-surrounding-me kiss. More of a sorrowful goodbye kiss, acknowledging the fact that I might not see him for a few weeks.

"I'm going to miss you," I whispered, my forehead leaning against his.

He nodded in agreement. "Write to me, darling."

"I'll try and remember."

He rolled his eyes and we backed away, hearing the familiar doorbell ring through the manor.

I had always been curious as to why they had a doorbell, as it was a familiar Muggle contraption and Lucious craved wizard purity. To him, convenience was acceptable despite his personal beliefs. I never asked questions. I just walked down the expensive staircase, Draco following behind.

My small overnight bag in my hand, I gave Draco a hug and a kiss before hopping into Snapes flying car to depart from my boyfriend and his minuscule family.

As we levitated, I waved goodbye to a sad boy who would, in all honesty, stop himself from contacting Blaise and Pansy out of spite and stubbornness.

If he and Blaise didn't sort out their issues soon then the tension during fifth year could end up unbearable. I just wish I knew what was going on. Maybe I could help.

As Snape pestered me with questions about the time I had with my second family, I grew excited about my travels to the Weasleys safe house.

The outdoors was as more interesting as ever as we took a new road to a new land. The sky seemed bluer and the grass greener.

Before entering, Snape handed me a large bag packed with all my belongings and topped it off with a lecture about keeping this place confidential. I nodded in understanding and I was finally allowed to walk inside.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now