9- The Boy Who Never Cared

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Eleanor, my parents, Draco: all a bizarre nightmare. I awoke from it, thankfully.

Killing my sister, being admonished by my parents for killing my sister, resulting in finding comfort with none other than Draco Malfoy. We talked. We yelled. We snogged — a lot.

I was sitting in the bathtub. My nightmare woke me up a few hours before breakfast started and I gave up on getting sleep. The tub idea ensued from the horrific nightmare; I had to alleviate my pain somehow.

So, the bath was the only thing going for me at the time. I was warm and exhilarated like never before. I forgot how refreshing sitting and thinking was.

The bath lasted a long time. Long enough for Pansy and Daphne to wake up and began getting ready.

When I heard them shuffling around the room, I hopped out of the bathtub and dressed myself quickly. Pansy knocked on the door and I opened it up while drying and brushing out my matted hair.

"I'm surprised you're up so early," she said, clearly astonished by my actions.

"I've been up for a few hours," I informed her while sending a fake smile.

She rolled her eyes playfully at me, brushing out her own hair. I swiftly moved around her and into my dorm to rummage around for my tie. Once I found it, I tied it quickly and lead Pansy to the great hall for breakfast. She allowed me to sit with her, causing Blaise to narrow his eyes at me from across the table.

"You don't like Malfoy?" I questioned, digging into my yogurt.

"Don't get get me wrong, I love you, mate, but I love my girlfriend more," Blaise said, patting Draco solemnly on the shoulder.

"I would too — if I had one," Draco mumbled.

I balled my hand into a fist and raised my eyebrows at him while he simply glanced at me and then back to his food.

"You could've had one," I muttered right back.

Pansy and Blaise quickly changed the topic, reasonably wanting to avoid a verbal fight that could've broke out and cause an avoidable scene.

"What was that letter you secretly wrote yesterday, y/n?" Blaise asked, grinning widely.

"I told you yesterday that it was none of your business, what makes you think I've changed my mind?"

"My mothers owl," Draco muttered while looking up as his parents' apparent owl dropped two letters.

Draco reached for it but I was much quicker and snatched it from the table, stuffing it under my shirt and out of reach.

"I can still get it," Draco said.

"I'll report you to your father if you try."

He scoffed and I smirked cheekily, as I had the power to punish him to a certain degree.

"So you're still in contact with his father?" Pansy whispered.


She raised her eyebrows but I dropped the topic altogether and scurried off to the bathroom before class began.

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