15- POTTER-y

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I looked around the room, observing I was in my bed and remembering last nights events. I slept on the couch reading, Draco next to me. I then awoke on the common room couch, a blanket atop me and the memories of my sisters lifeless body burnt into my brain.

Draco must've fell asleep as well because he laid on the couch, groaning awake as he heard my whimpers.

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I'm going to go up."

He nodded sentimentally and went to his dorm as well, clearly pitying me.I fell asleep in my bed, awaking hours later for an early breakfast with Pansy rushing me out of the door.

"Come on! I'm hungry!" she complained.

"Go to breakfast then, don't wait up for me anymore, I'm not worth it."

She rolled her eyes at my bluntness. "I'll always wait. We are friends."

"Are we?"

She smacked me on the shoulder and I hurried over to the door, walking with her to breakfast.

Furthermore, I said goodbye and sat in between Harry and Ron while Hermione stared off towards the end of the table, where a group of boys were huddled together.

"Here comes some mail," Harry observed, glancing at a small boy heading straight towards our table.

"Also for you, Mr. Weasley," the first year calmly said, handing Ron a large package.

"Thank you, Nigel."

The small boy stood still, staring directly at Harry as I stifled my laughter as best as I could while Hermione looked at the boy happily, waiting for him to say something.

"Oh, not now, Nigel," Ron whispered. "Later. Now go on."

Harry looked utterly confused and I slapped my hand over my mouth, trying not to burst into a laughing fit.

Hermione gave Ron a scolding motherly look and I finally let loose my laughter, nudging Harry.

"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph," Ron explained.

Hermione sighed and Ron went back to tearing his gift open.

"Harry you've got a fan," I whispered, resulting in a scoff.

"Look! Mums sent me something!" Ron announced.

We all turned to him as he pulled out a pair of traditional, old dress robes with a terrible laced collar.

"Mum sent me a dress!"

"Well it does match your eyes," I said, earning myself yet another scold.

"Is there a bonnet?" Harry questioned, digging through the box and sure enough pulling one out. "Aha!"

"Nose down, Harry." Ron groaned, walking over to Ginny with his set of robes held up in the air. "Ginny, these must be for you."

"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly," she said, looking at the clothing in disgust.

Hermione covered her mouth and bursted into laughter like I had just a few minutes ago when Nigel paid us a visit.

"What are you on about?" Ron asked, turning to Hermione.

"They're not for Ginny, they're for you!" Hermione informed us. "Dress robes!"

Ron turned crimson as the whole Gryffindor table laughed at his robes, including his own twin brothers.

"Dress robes, for what?"

We all shrugged and continued eating as rumors flew around the room that a dance would be happening. I ignored the rumors and focused on Ron's dreadful robes, wondering if I had to get a dress in the future as well, although I'm sure more information would be handed out.

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