𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑶𝒏𝒆

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As I stepped off the train, I noticed Snape waiting for me in the corner. I sent a small wave and motioned that I had to say goodbye to my friends who I would likely be seeing in the next few days.

Finn informed me that he was driving himself to my parents house and I nodded hesitantly. I then took a big sigh and decided upon hugging him.

"Have fun, Finn. Don't think about Cedric too much," I whispered, feeling a quick nod against my shoulder.

He waved goodbye to my friends and disappeared around the corner to stay with the people who hurt me most.

I noticed the golden trio and gave them each a hug, burying my head in their shoulder and wishing them the best until I saw them again.

It was finally time to depart from my main friend group. I started with Pansy.

She engulfed me and a large hug and we stood there for a while, tightening our grip as though we were going to lose each other. She finally let go and stood to the side, waiting to leave alongside Blaise, who was next to hug me.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him for a few seconds, assuring him that I would write even though it would most likely slip my mind — unless Snape's house is as creepy and boring as I always imagined it.

When Blaise pulled away he ignored Draco and stalked off, grabbing Pansy's hand in his and heading towards his mother to apparate away.

Draco pulled me into a hug and we rocked back in forth in each other's arms. When we pulled away, I went to turn back but he gripped my chin and pulled me in for a quick kiss before playfully shoving me away.

I turned back only once to see him already gone. I then made my way over to Snape and greeted him with an exaggerated smile.

"Hello, Ms. L/n," Snape said to me.

"Y/n will do. We aren't in class."

He nodded shortly. "And Snape will do."

I mimicked his previous nod and he guided me out of the train station and we apparated into a long, paved driveway. Looking around, I noticed tall hedges, colorful lilies planted around his garden, and tall black gate guarding his manor.

"It's huge," I whispered, glancing around at every crack in the cement and blade of grass on the ground.

Snape was amused by my curiosity and observance while walking towards his household. His lips twitched slightly and suddenly, we were at the doorstep, his wand quickly unlocking the door.

As I first entered the room, an open hallway greeted us at the door. My shoes squeaked against the marble flooring and I slowly walked through the house, entering the dark rooms, all designed with black furniture.

Snape had a small library with an assortment of familiar books — he honestly had good taste. I wonder if that's what he did in his free time outside of teaching.

After receiving a grand tour of the first floor, he lead me up the rotunda stairs and down another long hallway, our shoes echoing and clicking throughout the bare home.

Although it was a nice manor, it was still somewhat dull and creepy — similar to Snape himself. However, deep down I knew Snape's house had immense potential.

At the end of the hallway, Snape paused and opened the door, displaying his spotless bedroom without one knickknack out of place on his dresser.

After a last small glance, he closed the door and we walked towards the total opposite end of the hallway, opening another door to an even larger library that was connected to the guest room — also known as mine for the time being.

Blood to Love | 4th yearWhere stories live. Discover now