18- The Yule Ball

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December 24. The day of the Yule Ball and my sisters death day. The worst and best day I could ever ask for.

I awoke, saddened by the thoughts of my sister, although ridding my mind of it completely and thinking of Ron and Harry who I would be meeting up with tonight.

I hurriedly headed to breakfast, my stomach churning. Sitting in my usual seat with the Slytherins, I greeted everyone.


"Hey!" Pansy excitedly said.

"Got yourself two dates, huh?" Draco asked.

"Yes," I mumbled, continuing to eat, hoping that Draco wouldn't kill my mood too much by tonight.

"Could've gone with me."

"Go with your girl."

He scoffed and I continued eating, sporadically glancing at Harry and making brief eye contact. This didn't go unnoticed by Draco. His hands were balled into a fight and his eyes sparked with loathing and jealousy.

"Someone's jealous."

"Someone's moved on to 'the boy who lived' already."

"Oh shut up. You don't get to be jealous."

"Lucky man, Potter."

I looked at him in astonishment. I pondered saying something, decided against it, and finished off my breakfast, sprinting to catch up with Hermione in the hallway.

"Hey, Hermione," I said, panting.

She looked pleased at my arrival. "Hey, do you want to get ready for the ball together? Not now, of course. It's much too early."

"Yeah, come to my dorm with Pansy and I and we can all help each other."

She nodded and I went back to my dorm, quickly somewhat cleaning it and telling Pansy about our plans.

"What do you think Blaise is going to wear?" She asked.

"A black suit," I easily guessed.

"He's that predictable?"

"Hey, maybe it's a green suit?"

She laughed. "From what I heard, Ron's got himself an interesting set of dress robes."

"Indeed, he does. Although I don't mind much, it's not his fault he doesn't have much money, or that his mother doesn't love him as much as the others. Oh, Pansy! I totally forgot to mention that I kissed —"

Daphne Greengrass walked into the dorm, interrupting my fascinating story.

"You got a kiss?" she questioned, clearly intrigued by our conversation.

"Harry," I muttered.

Pansy gasped and Daphne raised her eyebrows.

"Does this mean — ?"

"It means nothing, Pansy. It was just a spur of the moment thing and anyways, I don't think he thought anything of it either."

She nodded skeptically and we proceeded to hand around until lunchtime abruptly arrived to which I sat with the Gryffindors eagerly.

"Nice of you to join us," Ron said with a mouth full of food.

"A true gentlemen right there," I announced, laughing as food continuing toppling out of the poor boys mouth like it usually did.

Harry patted the seat next to him and I slightly smiled, becoming shy at his presence. Not the "hehe I'm shy" type but rather the "I don't know how to go about talking to you after we kissed" kind of shy.

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