The beginning

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The master has done it again, he broke the doctor. They used to be best friends until the drums started. When a Timelord is only 8 years old, he is taken away from his family to attend the Timelords Academy. During this time the children are brought to the unrestrained schism and have to look into it, into the unrestrained beam of time. Some of them have started to cry, others have simply stayed untouched. Someone ran away and has never stopped since then, that was of course the doctor. But the Master has gone mad, he said he heard the drums in his head and went crazy. In the Great Time War, he played a triple game, while the Doctor locked the Daleks and also the Timelords away to finally end the war. But Gallifrey has somehow managed to rise again. But since the beginning of the Timelords, they kept a big secret that nobody knew until recently, more precisely, until half a year ago.

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