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Since the events with the Master, the doctor is no longer recognizable if they ever see her. She is away almost all the time, in the last six months they have only seen her twice when they usually go on one of their trips once a week. During these 2 times, she seemed very absent and just not like herself anymore. Ryan, Yaz, and Graham decided that the next time they see the doctor, they insist that she tell them what happened. Suddenly, the sound of the Tardis appears. Actually, a Tardis doesn't make a sound, but the doctor always keeps the handbrake on because he likes the sound. They immediately run out to the Tardis and go inside. The doctor is doing something at the control panel. They go to her. The doctor is happy to see them and about to hug them when Yaz asks: "What is Gallifrey?"

The doctor looks at her slightly confused and then turns around to make it look like she wants to leave when Ryan says: "Until we know, we're not leaving here"

"Right," Graham says behind him. She slowly turns to them. Her smile has disappeared, instead, she looks very sad and upset. 

She says in a low voice: "This is a planet, my home planet to be precise. The Timelords lived there." The three of them look at each other before Ryan asks, 

"Why lived?" Yaz and Graham look at each other in perplexity, how can he ask that, since it is obvious that the doctor is very upset. 

"Because the Master has destroyed the planet and killed all the Time Lords." She tells them in a short summary of what happened on Gallifrey half a year ago. After that, everyone looks sad, sorry they asked that. 

Yaz wants to apologize, "We're sorry, we didn't know it was that bad." 

"It's OK, you shouldn't lie to your friends." She starts smiling again: "So where are we going?" The others start smiling again too. The doctor is about to flip the switch to start when an alarm sounds. She looks at the monitor and tries to find out what it is. 

Graham asks in bewilderment, "What is that?" 

"That's an alarm, which means that somewhere in history something has appeared that doesn't belong there."

 "What year is it? In the future? 2050? 2222?", Graham asks excitedly. 

"No, 1817," says the Doctor as she adjusts the TARDIS. Yaz asks her somewhat confused, "1817? Did anything special happen there?

"Every year special things happen," the doctor replies. 

"So we're going then?" Ryan asks cheerfully. 

"Is there any reason why we shouldn't?" the doctor asks with a big grin and flips a handle, there goes the Tardis.

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