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Morgan is lying in the Tardis and slowly wakes up when she suddenly hears a voice. It sounds familiar, but she cannot say where it comes from. She is so exhausted that she does not want to open her eyes. 

"Well, do you remember me? Why don't you open your eyes, it will make it easier for your memories." The voice says in a sweet tone. Morgan slowly opens her eyes. In front of her, she sees a blurry person. After a short while of getting used to it, the image becomes sharper and she recognizes that it is a man, but there is something strange about him. She tries to pull herself together, but only manages to sit up. Her head is extremely painful. She looks at him again, and the moment she looks at him, she feels a sharp pain in her head. She puts a hand to her right temple. 

"I suppose the answer to the question of who I am just hit you like a bolt of lightning," the man says and starts to laugh. Morgan looks at him with a look of hatred. She notices now what is strange about him, he is not real. He is just a projection, apparently created by the Tardis. 

"What do you want?" asks Morgan. 

"You know!"

"No, why would I? And frankly, it doesn't matter since you'll never get away with it anyway." 

"Don't be so arrogant, how can you be so sure? I thought you didn't know anything about your past before Torchwood. Did his character rub off on you that much?His laugh is beginning to like the one from a psychopath. 

"If you're talking about Jack, he's great. He was the one who convinced the others that I could join them," Morgan defends himself. 

"But you know so much more about the universe than those little twerps. Do you really want to waste the rest of your life working at Torchwood?" he asks mockingly. Morgan doesn't understand the point he's trying to make, and if she's honest, she doesn't care. Her head hurts so much she doesn't know how much longer she can take it, certainly not with his drivel. 

"It's no use, knowing her she doesn't care what you say anyway," someone suddenly says. Morgan and the man look towards the door of the Tardis. Morgan is almost breathless, standing in the doorway is the person from the forest. 

"So I'm not crazy after all, you really do look like me," Morgan says. 

"Unfortunately, that's not all we have in common.", the person by the door replies, Morgan just looks at her confused, "You still don't get it? Hell, we're the same person, it's just that you're my past." 

"So what do you want now?" asks Morgan, 

"You, what else?" says the man. 

"We need to complete the timeline so you can become me," the other Morgan says, walking over to the man's projection, "and for that, you have to leave." 

"What are you talking about? I thought you said we had to come to get you and unleash your consciousness from the watch?" the man says. 

"Rule number one, the doctor lies, rule number two, so do I." as she said this she immediately brings something out from behind her back and points it at him. Within a second he is gone and smoke is rising from where he was. Morgan identifies the thing in her hand like a laser sonic screwdriver. 

"You still have it," is the first thing that occurs to her to say. 

"Well sure I do, why wouldn't I?" the other one says in surprise, coming over to her. Morgan looks frightened. Before the other reaches her, Morgan takes out her gun and points it at the 'future' Morgan.

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