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The doctor and his relatively new companions just saved the earth again when suddenly the master, who was supposed to be dead, reappears. He sends them into the future and then leaves Ryan, Yaz, and Graham there without the doctor. He leads her to Gallifrey, or at least to what is left of it. The Master explains to the doctor how he has destroyed all of Gallifrey, cruelly killing each one of them. The doctor is just shocked and can't say anything, she never thought he would be capable of such a thing. The Master takes the doctor with him into the Room of Memories where he brings out the hidden memories within the doctor. It turns out that the doctor is not descended from the Timelords, but the Timelords are descended from him. It may sound a bit disturbing but it is actually quite simple:

On the planet Gallifrey once lived a woman named Elisa, she was the first explorer who landed on the planet, she was a human being. She was there to find out if it was possible to live there because her home planet Korax was dying. After half a month a ship arrived, but with only one passenger, Alex. Alex was her boyfriend. He told her that he was the only survivor because the planet had fallen into a black hole and by coincidence, he was not on it. They built a new life for themselves there. Alex died at the age of 50 because he got sick and they had no way to cure him. With the supplies from his and her ship, they could live well, but had no access to medicine, because it was stored on another ship. She was walking along a rocky path one day when suddenly a strange structure, which looked like it was made of concrete, stood in front of her. There were 2 high, square columns. Above were strange clouds that were blue and moved as if they were the eye of a storm. She slowly walked towards the strange structure and saw a child standing in front of it. She took it with her and raised it. One day while playing outside, it fell off a cliff. Elisa immediately ran to it, all of a sudden it began to glow. It became very bright and suddenly the child looked very different. They went home and then discovered that it wasn't harmed. This is how her life project began, for many years she tried to find out how this could happen and experimented with different things to recreate it so that others could become immortal too. When she was already old and very weak, she became ill herself. She had to make a difficult decision: Either she would not survive and leave the child alone, or she would end her experiment by trying it herself. She decided to try it herself because there was nobody left to test it in her place. So she injected herself with the serum. Luckily it worked and they were both immortal now. One day a ship arrived unexpectedly, it was a group of her colleagues who were on a great voyage of discovery and only now wanted to return to Korax. They noticed logically that the planet was no longer there, so they went to the planet that was listed as the emergency plan. At that time it had still no name. When they arrived, Elisa told them everything that had happened. They all became immortal and formed a new race on this planet, they called it somehow Gallifrey. Unable to die, they watched the universe evolve, but they also met other races that were not so kind to them, the Daleks for example. They came from nothing, or so it seemed. They're robots, so someone must have developed them. The universe is huge, so it's not unlikely that they were developed by another race and you can't keep track of the whole universe.

In the beginning, they were good at fighting the Daleks but they became stronger and more. Meanwhile, the immortal 'humans' had called themselves Timelords, as they live through all this time. But as they grew in numbers and did not die, they were afraid of overpopulation. They started experimenting again and changed the serum so that there were only 12 regenerations available. Since of course, nobody would voluntarily give up his immortality, they mixed it into the air. It worked perfectly because they built a glass sphere around their city in order to protect themselves. The president (Elisa, she had regenerated a few times in the meantime and was now a man) was proud of it. You are probably wondering what happened to the child. This wanted to see the universe a little bit closer and went away with one of the spaceships, it was exactly at the time when they limited the number of regenerations to 12. So it still remained immortal. Meanwhile, it was a teenager and went to the academy as well.

1500 years later, most of the people from that time had died, except the child. (And yes, the child does not have a name yet, they just call it 'The Child'). Of course, the others noticed this too, and they started to ask why it is still alive. So the leaders told them the truth, well, at least almost the entire truth. After all, there was (almost) nobody left who could say the opposite. They said that because they were human, the serum could not make them completely immortal, but it was made for adults and not children, so it has a longer effect on him. Nobody questioned that and they soon had other concerns, now that the Daleks had become a real threat. Meanwhile, the child became a rebel, as it saw people dying all around it, but the child itself remains alive. It starts to rebel and threatens to slip off to the dark side, so the Timelords make a difficult decision. They didn't want the child to die, but they couldn't risk it working against them and revealing the truth. So they erased the child's memories and hid them in others. But that was not the only thing they did, they also managed to make it regenerate only 12 times, according to how it ages, but before it dies it gets 12 new regenerations. From now on it lived like a real Timelord, and therefore it finally got a name. However, Timelords have names that nobody can pronounce, only children can hear them sometimes. But they have a kind of nickname, which they use as their name. The child was always happy to help and was for justice, so he called himself Doctor, the Doctor. He went back to the academy, but it was not the same as back then. The Great Time War had begun and the Timelords and the Daleks were fighting for life and death. When the Doctor stepped in front of the Schism, he ran. He stole a Tardis and walked away. A Tardis is a sort of spaceship that can fly through time and space. The change from the Master also happened at that time. By the time the Doctor returned, Gallifrey was almost destroyed. He was against the use of weapons and despises almost everyone who uses them. He ended the Time War by locking both games away and excluding them from time. So no one could get in or out of Gallifrey. So the Daleks destroyed themselves. From now on he traveled around the universe to defeat all evil, but one planet, in particular, had taken a liking to him, Earth. He found it so fascinating because the humans resembled him. They were almost defenseless against the universe and so he decided that from now on he would protect them. He did not want to lose another planet.

When the doctor saw this, she was logically shocked. But she did not understand immediately. The Master told him that he had destroyed all of Gallifrey because they lied to him. He also hated the doctor, and that he should now descend from her was just too much. After he had shown all this to the doctor, he just left him behind. Of course, what else. The doctor first had to understand what had happened. She was about to leave the main building to see if maybe someone was still alive. Then a bunch of Cyberman came into the room. Cybermen are robots made out of human parts and turned into emotionless killers. But those were different. The Master said he had killed them all, but that was apparently only half the truth. He had turned them into Cyberman. This meant that they were now immortal, as the regeneration cycle was somehow broken. The Doctor was able to stop them, but no one knows how many more of them are on the way.

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