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She stands behind the man. He turns to her. "How did you get here, where were you?" the man asks. He seems somehow relieved.

"Teleport and it's absolutely none of your business where I am. I can take care of myself. I've had to manage on my own all my life, yet everyone always thinks I'm incapable. Why should you suddenly care?" says Morgan. 

"You lied to me, you said that to complete the timeline we had to take you to the beginning," realizes the man. 

"I didn't lie to you. I went to the beginning, but not of Gallifrey, the beginning of Torchwood. I snuck in undercover and worked for them. Remember, they were against the Doctor at the beginning, but now?" she starts to grin, "I made the plans with you when I was under their influence when they'd wiped my memory. That's how I was able to fall for you, but when I went back, I took on that role. So, in theory, you were planning this thing with me all along. I couldn't help my captured self, but I could help anyone else who was captured by them. So the dark me that made the plans with you never actually existed, yet I still have the memories of all that and they are not pretty, believe me. But it made my decision a lot easier," Morgan explains. 

"So what now? I mean we're still here, your friends are here and so are the angels. What else could you do now?" the man says. 

"This!" says Morgan, taking out her laser sonic screwdriver. A low hum sounds, that's why it has sonic in the name. She points it at the angels and they instantly vanish into thin air. 

"What, how does that work?!" says Ryan. 

"I thought they were solid statues," Yaz says. 

"You found your voices again too, how nice." Morgan speaks to the companions, "it works because they were never real. Just projections." 

"As Morgan said, she not only made the plans with you, she worked for us. Why do you think none of your schemes ever worked? We knew your every move and always knew what you were going to do next, well, as far as possible without changing history." Jack said. 

"It's nice that you all know each other, but could you tell me who that is?" says Graham. 

"It depends on who you mean. The physical body standing here or the consciousness within it," Morgan says. 

Jack explains further, "The consciousness is the Master's, whereas the body belonged to Greg.

Everyone except Morgan and the Master look at Jack, disturbed. 

"Don't worry Doctor, we didn't steal the body from a living person. Greg, an old friend, died 10 years ago," Morgan says and the Master looks at her in shock, "You heard right. He was dead. You're a dead man walking. But you're absolutely right about one thing, my friends are here," Morgan closes her eyes for a second. 

When she opens her eyes again there are angels everywhere. 

"How can that be, we were all looking," Graham says sounding very confused. 

"But I wasn't, but I'd rather let them explain," Morgan says. The Master is not laughing anymore, instead, he looks as if he fears for his life. 

An angel moves towards him and stops in front of him. He speaks to him: "You remember us, how beautiful. Do you also remember what you did to us?" 

"I didn't mean to. I was angry and hurt. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry." the Master pleads, falling to his knees. 

"It won't do you any good, it's too late.", the Angel says and then turns to the Doctor, "Doctor, I'm sorry. All the ones we took from you, we didn't mean to. We didn't have a choice. Please let me explain." 

The Angel's ParadoxWhere stories live. Discover now