New Adventures

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The Doctor brought Yaz, Ryan, and Graham home. After that, she and Jack went to a park. They discussed what happened and shared their thoughts while walking. 

"You know, the first time I met Morgan I tried to question her and make her forget about Torchwood. But she escaped and I found her again here. She loves the sunset and sunrise." Jack smiles at that memory.

"Yeah. She always did." The Doctor responds. Her memories are slowly coming back.

"And I still think they're beautiful. Every in their own way." 

The Doctor and Jack turn around and see Morgan standing there.

The Doctor engulfs her in a hug. 

"I missed you sister." The Doctor admits.

"Me too," Morgan responds. 

After they pull away Morgan goes to hug Jack.

"So, what now?" The Doctor asks. She already has a feeling of what the answer will be.

"I think I will stay here with Jack and the rest of us. There are still many things that need to be set right." 

"You know how to reach me?" The Doctor asks.

"Of course," Morgan says and taps her head.

"What do you mean?" Jack questions them.

"Telepathy." They answer in unison.

"Well, I guess See ya," Morgan says and hugs the Doctor once more.

"See ya." And with that, she and Jack teleport away to their next adventure.

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