Beginning I

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Inside a hospital room, two people are holding each other's hands. No one tries to speak, there is just a long silence. The tense atmosphere broke when the man with golden iris spoke.

"Xiao Xiu... I'm fine... It's gonna be fine," he smiled and squeeze the youth's hands.

"No...gege...what if I didn't find you? What if we went into separate places?" the youth cries.

His big watery blue eyes have tears that make the man's heart tremble.

"We promise, didn't we? No matter how hard, no matter how long, as long as there's a chance, we will meet again," the man, Duán Qingshan, wipes the falling tears of the youth.

Duán Qingshan, is a military doctor, during the war he came alongside the soldiers to the slums, searching if there are still survivors, but unexpectedly a virus broke out, and he is one of the people who become affected. The virus can make the person affected slowly die, by sipping the person's life force and vitality, a lot of researchers are now finding the antidote but no complete cure has yet to found.

Looking at the youth whose crying silently, he squeezes out a smile and continues to hold his hand. He knew that he'll vanish any minute now, he knew how painful the youth's feeling right now, because he too, can't let go, and leave the youth.

Jin Xiu is a talented strategist of their camp, they first met during a meeting, he was captivated by the youth's smile. Meeting each other is unexpected for the both of them, they became each other's trusted colleague, a confidant, and slowly became lovers.

When they found out about the virus and what will happen to the affected, both of them silently think of a solution.

Without an antidote, Duán Qingshan will surely die. That's why Jin Xiu, thought of something outrageous but there's no harm to try.

A system.

A system where they can go to different worlds to search for the soul of the other that scattered because of reincarnation.

There's no guarantee that they will meet each other again, there's just a slim chance of finding each other's reincarnation, what more the youth alone will find his reincarnation, while, he will forget about the youth in each world.

"W-wait for me there okay, gege?" Jin Xiu asked.

"There's no need to rush, my love. We will meet again." Duán Qingshan smiled and close his eyes.

The tears in the eyes of the youth continuously fall down, but in his eyes, you can see the determination and strength.

"Commence transfer," the youth whispered and close his eyes.

[Now transferring...]

In that hospital room, the two people who're supposed to be there, completely vanish.

I'll find you soon, so just wait for me, Shan-ge.

I'll wait for you, so be careful, Xiao Xiu.

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