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"The three hours is done. One by one, start performing the music that you prepare." The chancellor said as the candidates orderly sat.

During the test, the royal family will be watching on the terrace hidden in the eyes of the candidates.

Auris, who was pissed because of his lover's identity, gazes at the terrace coldly. Even though he knew that Prince Zachariah is not the same as before, he can't help but get pissed at his lover. Flirting with him is fine, but if he dares to flirt with others, his little brother won't be safe anymore.

One by one, the candidates perform the chosen pieces. Some of them finished excellently, while others couldn't bear the pressure and cried while performing.

Auris watches the performance seriously as he observes the protagonist. Although they are competitors, he could say that Lillian had talent in music. He heard her practicing beforehand. He thought that if she isn't the protagonist, he'll befriend her.

After a while, Lillian's turn came.

She plays a warm summer tune. It was like a warm breeze touching their skin. The sun glistening on the ocean as the waves continue to flow. The harp on her hands became a medium to deliver warmth.

When Lillian finishes her performance, she bows before the terrace. The candidates who came with her clap while the others sneered at her and ignores her.

Auris looks at Lillian, and he saw her smiling confidently at him. He returned a smile and didn't bother to bicker with her. He finds it funny when Lillian looks at him like that. Did she think that because she played great, she's already the best? Did Lillian forget that behind the mountain, there are more mountains? She's beautiful, but it's a pity that her brain is empty.

While Auris is scrutinizing Lillian, the chancellor called his name.

It's finally his turn!

Auris sat on the wooden floor and took out a zither made of the finest jade.

The moment Auris strum the strings, a cold feeling blend with the breeze. It was like a frozen battlefield where feelings are void. The melody starts where the warrior's heart is closed, where emotions are just a fleeting thing. It was never moved and never touched, just like an unopened treasure box, sealing a different kind of jewels. But every treasure box has its key, and the warrior's heart also opened as the heroine serving as the key. And then, the cold melody became warm as the war ended. The warrior's heart unsealed all the emotions he hid and accepted the new feelings the heroine gave. The coldness in his heart was still there, but a portion of warmth enters the warrior's heart.

When Auris finished playing, he warmly smiled and slightly bowed.

Auris glances at the terrace. His golden eyes turned cold when he saw his lover staring at him. His lover had the guts to stare at him openly when they are supposed to close the curtain. Did he think that he could sway me with just that!? I don't mind him staring at me, but he needs to be sure that his stupid eyes would stay on me and not on some assuming individual! Just who made my man that outstanding!? It's his fault! Zachariah is absolutely an idiot!

When Auris look away from his lover, he realizes that the test was nearing its end! He shook his head and ignored the burning stare from his left.

Lillian glares at Auris when she saw him staring at the prince. She doesn't know why this insolent human is trying to steal his future husband.

After the test ended, the chancellor announced that all the candidates could go now. The chancellor also informed them that they have the whole afternoon for themself. They could all they want as long as it's within the west palace.

Auris stood up and fixed his clothes. When his eyes gaze at the terrace, his eyes met the empress. Without thinking deeply, he smiled and bowed as he left the palace garden.

"You dirty insect! How dare you stare at my future husband!" A voice resounded.

Auris looked at the owner of the voice and saw Lillian with her minions. Auris just stared at her emotionlessly and didn't bother to fight with her. He's not foolish like her, who openly starts a fight with someone.

Seeing the other didn't reply to her, Lillian lifts her hand and tries to grab Auris's hair. But before that happened, someone caught her arm and flung it.

Auris gazes at the raging crown prince in front of him and turns his eyes into the stupid woman. He looks at her and smirks.

"Greetings, your highness," Auris said and ignored the stupid bitch who's glaring at him.

"Are you hurt?" Zachariah asked.

Auris shook his head and answers, "No, I'm not."

Zachariah breathes a sigh of relief, "That's good." He then looks at the girl who tries to hurt his future wife and glares at her, "Leave! How awful."

Lillian's big eyes watered. She ran away immediately with her minions running away with her.

"I'll take my leave now, your highness," Auris stated.

Zachariah furrowed his brows and asked him, "I just came. Why leave immediately?"

Auris smiled at him and shook his head, "I have something important to do, your highness."

Noticing the other still don't want to talk to him, he let him leave. Zachariah watches the others fleeing back. He couldn't help but sigh.

"I wish I could take you away."


Looking at the scenery of the west palace, Auris saw a rose mansion. Due to his curiosity, he entered the mansion and quietly observed everything.

While walking on the hallway filled with roses, Auris arrived in a room with tables and chairs are made of glass. He walked towards it, carefully examining the table. When he noticed a red envelope, he lifts his hand and tries to reach it when a voice echoed in the room.

"Is the Rose Mansion beautiful?"

"It is your majesty," Auris answered as he stares at the empress.

Empress Morrigan smiled at him and gazes at the roses, "But do you know why the Rose Mansion got built?"

"Why?" Auris asked as he watches the empress pick a blooming red rose.

The empress stares at Auris and chuckles, "For the sacrifice." She answers as she crushes the rose. The liquid of the rose mixes with her blood dripping on her arm. Her crimson eyes gleam as a fearful expression takes over her solemn beautiful face.

Auris forehead furrows, "Sacrifice?"

Empress Morrigan glances to her left and right as she precariously stared at Auris, "You're a good kid. You still have a long life ahead of you. Don't stay here."

Auris was confused. According to Empress Morrigan, there will be a sacrifice, but he doesn't know what sacrifice will it be.

"What sacrifice?" Auris anxiously asked.

"Please leave, leave and take away my son." the empress spoke uneasily.Although Auris doesn't know what's happening, he stares at the empress as he seriously asked her, "How?"

"There's a hidden dungeon on the west palace underground. There's a passageway there. You must take away my son and leave this place before it was too late." The empress warned as she glances at the mansion's entrance.

Auris took a deep breath and looked at her, "Tell me first, what's the sacrifice about?"

Empress Morrigan's eyes burn with hatred and pain as she stared at Auris.

"Awakening. Awakening of the demon lord."

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