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Inside a cold metal cage, a young man was unconscious and was carefully tied up. The whole place was dark, and from time to time, you could hear the sound of metals scraping the floor.

Ivon felt his head throb as he opens his eyes. The whole place he was in was dark, too dark that he couldn't see who entered the door. From what he remembers, he was at some shooting location. And after his part, he excused himself and went towards his van, but when he arrived, he slapped on the back of his neck, and he blacks out.

"Who are you!?" Ivon shouted as he tries to remove the bindings on his hands.

"Who am I?" The man chuckles at Ivon as he fiercely kicks the metal cage, "Guess. I'm sure you know me, Ivon, or should I call you France?"

Ivon's whole body stiffens. He knew that he could act all day like he was not familiar with that voice. But his identity as France was never released to the world! Ivon made sure to erase all traces of his background, but how could Raphael, who is not a member of the orphanage or the Mcfarlane family, be aware of this!?

"What are you, Raphael?" Ivon tensely asked.

Raphael's eyes darkened as he pulls out the lock of the cage and throws Ivon on the floor, "You should ask that to yourself. What are you? Why are you so obsessed to become Ives that you will go to the point that you want to ruin him, kill him, and take everything he had!?"

The uneasiness that Ivon was feeling earlier immediately faded as soon as he heard what Raphael said, "Why!? Because it's unfair! I live my whole life without knowing my parents! I live my life with sadness! So why did he have a complete family while living his life happily!? I'm smart too! I look good too! So why those damn students like him better!?" Ivon aggressively looks at Raphael as he continues shouting, "And you! Why did he have you!? I met you first! I loved you first! So why!?"

Seeing the crazed act of Ivon, Raphael sneer at him as he gave a scornful look, "Is it his fault? Yes, you're not lucky enough to have a family like Ives, but remember, he treated you as his dearest friend! When you entered his family, all he did was love and care for you! And that's how you will repay him? You're the one you shouldn't have come back!"

Ivon was not dumb. He may be crazy, but he's not dumb enough not to notice the ambiguity from what Raphael said! He already suspects that maybe he's not the only one who got reborn! At first, he thought that Ives also got reborn, but after observing him (Ives) for a long time, Ives never brought up their past! But who would have thought that it was Raphael who got reborn with him!

"Y-You, you, you!"

"Shocked? Don't worry, Ivon. Feeling shocked will be the least painful you will receive. I will make sure to slowly rip you apart because of what you did to Ives." Raphael smirks at Ivon and walks towards where the switches are. When the light turned on, Ivon could see the different machines and torture equipment everywhere. He (Ivon) had a strong feeling that something will happen to him if he didn't leave this place immediately.

Ivon tried to speak by opening his mouth, but no sound came out. The last thing he heard was Raphael talking to someone while someone placed a black sack on his head.

"Make sure he'll end up in hell," Raphael said as he stared at his men dragging the unconscious Ivon on a torture machine.

"You'll go back now?" Lewis asked while he was looking at his laptop.

"Ives might have woke up by now," Raphael answers and carefully clean his hands.

The two calmly talk to each other like there were no screams or cries to be heard within the room. Ivon woke up from pain and started weeping crazily.

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