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(A/N: Hello! Sorry for not updating for quite some time. A lot happened, so I don't have really had the time to write something.

I got a mild fever while having my headaches. I don't know if I had a bad luck this month but I need to go to my school for my graduation, I feel like my graduation photos will turn ugly, I even forgot to take solo photos during the photoshoot, and I also took an scholarship exam [which I sadly didn't passed, and I felt like I disappointed my parents a bit or it's just me, because they don't really mentioned it and told me that it's okay] while having fever. But thankfully, I passed at the university my parents want me to be in.

Also, I just want to tell you guys about our cat. Her right leg is injured and she didn't want to eat. But, she started eating again after I coaxed her [I'm not sure if she really understand me though]. Also, her kittens died consecutively. Maybe they are born too early because they are too tiny and they didn't drink milk from her that much. We just woke up, the tinier one died and after few days, the bigger one died. I want to take care of her [she's not really our cat, she just ate here and lived here now, my mom feeds her] but I didn't know how and I'm afraid of cats. She didn't want to get touched, maybe because the injury is painful, so I cannot being her to my room [which is in the second floor where she sleeps before she got pregnant] to watch her because I rarely left my room nowadays.

Okay stop with that! I'm fine now. The fever is gone, but my body is still weak from traveling and the sickness. When classes starts, my updates will slowed because I need to focused on my studies more [especially it's all mathematics subject]. I'm going to start writing again. See you guys on the next update!)

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