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Jin Xiu opened his eyes and saw that he is in a white room. The room itself is simple. There's no furniture except for the bed he's currently lying down on. The bed itself is soft, while the cold white silk grazes his skin every time he moves. Jin Xiu continued to look around and noticed the red roses surrounding the bed. He furrowed his brows and ask Kuai.

Kuai, where are we?

[We're currently on a historical fantasy setting, master.]

Historical fantasy? Like magic, sword, and sorcery stuff?

[Yes, master.]

Jin Xiu took a deep breath to ready himself for his new world.

OK, transfer me this world information then.

A transparent screen appeared in front of Jin Xiu and showed the crucial information of this word.

[This world we're currently in is a place where the church and the monarchy are cordial with each other. The environment is peaceful and safe. They have no problems with wars because the kingdoms are all cordial with one another. The people live their lives happily under the operation of the empire.

However, this world collapsed because of the issues in the inner palace of the empire.

This world protagonist is called Lillian Hale. Lillian is the only daughter and also the youngest of the Duke of Hale's five children. Lillian's mother, Lily, died few minutes after she gave birth to Lillian. Because Lillian is the family's only daughter, they pampered her with all the affection they could muster. She grew up with her family giving her all the things she wants. And just like her mother, Lily, Lillian is a nice and kind girl, and because of her beautiful appearance, everyone treats her like a princess.

One day, on the seventh birthday of Lillian, the chosen Oracle, Hora, received a message from the God of Oracles, Muanh. 'A compassionate soul, destined to be one of the sky's monarchs, has reached the age of seven. The key to unlocking secrets is that destined individual, who is also a child of light. If you don't find the right person, the world will face chaos.' After the world learned about the message, they search for a child who turned seven on that day. Lillian, who turned seven at the same time, became a topic of conversation on the empire.

The current emperor of Shroudlight, Conall Eadweard, issued a decree to make all the child who turned seven start training as a paragon. Lillian with the other children begun their training. When they turned twenty, the emperor issued another decree to find the future betrothed of the crown prince. Lillian was chosen together with seven other girls from among all the children to enter the palace.

The competition started, and Lillian became the star. She stood out from the crowd simply because of her upbringing, demeanor, and appearance. Lillian piqued the empress's interest, and she attempted to bring her and her son together. However, following the decree, the crown prince never left his room. Afterward, Lillian excelled in all the tests and was selected to be the crown princess. When the results came out, the empress immediately called the church to perform the coronation of the new saint, but for the first time, the church disagreed to crown Lillian. The people were furious and wanted to know why, which the bishop said that Lillian was not as pure as they thought and lacked light energy. The people demanded more explanation, and this time, the archbishop answered. He said a Saint doesn't have to look pure and innocent because sometimes the most dangerous-looking person in the world is the most sinless individual.

Despite this, Lillian, on the other hand, was elected to be the crown princess. The empress was happy to know that Lillian didn't take what the church said to heart.But unexpectedly, the supposed to be groom never said anything about the coronation. The emperor and empress got worried. They knew that the crown prince like to stay alone, but it never came to the point where they won't see him for a long time. The emperor ordered to open the crown prince's room and witnessed a shocking sight.

The crown prince, Zachariah, turns into a demon. Black markings painted throughout his body, thick horns grew thicker on his head, and black wings sprouted as his blood poured. The emperor and empress, together with their loyal advisers, kept the prince's situation confidential. However, stories about Prince Zachariah's transformation into a demon began to circulate.

The people demanded to kill the crown prince, saying that he's bad luck to the empire.The emperor and empress did not want to sacrifice their child, so Prince Zachariah was transferred to the church to protect him from everyone. The most dangerous place for a demon but the safest place for Zachariah.

Lillian ascended as a crown princess. At first, everything was peaceful. But the chaos the Oracle's talking about came. Wars happened everywhere. People began to act violently, murdering one another in public places. The people who stayed sane demanded Lillian perform her duty. But Lillian, as the church said, is not the chosen one.

The people forgot the other information given by the Oracle. The child is a child of light.]

Whose identity I have?

Ives asked as he looks around the room again.

[The sleeping saint, Saint Auris.]

Sleeping saint? Is there any information about him?

[None, master. Saint Auris was cursed and fell asleep. Other than that, Saint Auris's origin also was never mentioned. The system is also trying to find relevant information about the owner of the host's body. However, there is a barrier that is preventing the system from acquiring further.]

Jin Xiu contemplated for a minute and started to speak again.

How old is this body?

[Twenty. Just like Lillian.]

Same birth date?


There's no information other than that?


Where am I, then?

[The Temple Of Souls. The location of the church in which Prince Zachariah where to transferred.]

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