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Chapter Status: Unedited

"Brother Weisheng!" I called as soon as I saw a figure dressed in white.

"You're here early, Xiaoxian. Don't tell me..." he said as he grinned at me.

I pouted and glared at him, "I already did my homework! Teacher said that I can leave early if answered everything correctly!"

Instead of answering me, he just chuckled and patted my head.

Seeing him laughing, I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, "You're bad."

"Haha, come on now, everything is already prepared," he said as he held out his hand.

Forgetting his teasing awhile ago, I smiled and took his hand.

It's been two months since my parents decided to stay here at the capital for good. Father's job will be near and I can get close to brother without hindrance.

In those two months, I often went to the Luo family's house to play with brother Weisheng. At first, we just talked about how did we learn music but after time passes by we got closer and even tiny details of our day is shared to each other.

And today, I finished my classes early and went to our secret place that we fount three weeks ago. Three weeks ago, me and brother Weisheng went to the waterfall where to watch the flowers to bloom. However, while watching the flowers a cat ran to the waterfall and to our surprise the cat went through. After pondering for awhile, we decided to check it out. When we entered, a paradise full of beautiful flowers, trees, and a lake welcome us. Since that day, the hidden paradise became our secret place. 

The last time we went there, we planned to practice and have lunch there. Brother Weisheng prepared all the foods since he said that I'm too weak to carry anything.

Well it's not my fault that this stupid world caught me changing it's fate that why I was born weak. Curse you, the god of this world.

"So, did Xiaoxian remembered what I taught you last time?" Brother Weisheng asked as he laid a soft mat for us to sit down.

"Of course! What did you think of me?" I answered enthusiastically.

He smiled and patted my head, "Of course, our Xiaoxian is the best."

I puffed out my chest and smiled.

I know, I'm the best.


Luo Weisheng's POV

The little cat is happy.

I chuckled when I saw his cheeks full of grapes. He's really messy when he eats, this stupid cat.

I took out my handkerchief and wiped out the grape juice that drip out from his mouth.

"You really like a kid when you eat, when will you grow up our Xiaoxian? Hmm?" I said as I fixed his sleeves that he didn't even noticed that dipping in some pomegranate juice. 

"Who's yours! A-and I'm not a kid, you know!" he said angrily while hiding his tiny ears turning red.

I chuckled and held out my hand.

I look like holding out my hand for me became a hobby.

"Yes, yes, Xiaoxian is right, brother is wrong. Now stand up, and let's practice, hmm?" 

He pouted as he took my hand but not forgetting to glare at me with red cheeks.

It looks like an apple, I want to bite it.

I was startled by my thoughts and shook my head.

It's too soon, it can wait. Don't be an animal, Luo Weisheng.

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