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When Auris arrived at his room after talking with Empress Morrigan, he started to investigate the past of the Shroudlight Empire.

The candidates couldn't leave the west palace when the clock strikes ten in the evening, so Auris uses his system to infiltrate the main castle.

Do you see something?

[The main palace looks normal, master.]

Find the library. I need some information about the empire.


The system entered the library as he shows the footage to Auris, who is currently investigating the west palace.

Wait, Kuai, don't do anything for a while. Just study how I could enter the main palace without getting caught.


While his system investigates the main palace, Auris searches for clues in the west palace.

He's currently in the dungeon where the empress told him. When Auris walked in, he saw chains and whips and other torture equipment are all around the place. There's also a metal chair in the middle of the room. He also noticed a cage with a pile of stench-filled old clothing strewn over the floor. There are also black liquids that dried up on the walls. It looks like old marks of blood that got splattered during the deed.

Auris walked towards the cage. Except for the old clothes, there is nothing there. He looked around and thought that the empire is really a monster in disguise. Everything in the dungeon is inhumane.

Except for the tattered clothing and dried blood, Auris found nothing useful information after exploring the dungeon.

The clothing in the cage likely produced within this timeframe, implying that the deaths were recent. The dried blood is too dried up to use, it's also mixed with different types of blood, so it's going to be hard if they use that.

When Auris finished looking, he left the dungeon and tried to find the hidden passageway.

After walking for a while, Auris saw a hole that could fit one person. He tries going outside and saw that he's in a forest.

After thinking if he would check or not, he decided to go back first and check the main palace. He also needs to inform Zachariah about what the empress said. He believes that his lover wouldn't report him to the emperor.

[I found a way how the master could enter the main palace.]


[On the back of the main palace, there's a hidden passageway towards the room of Prince Zachariah. And the library is also near his room. If the master wanted to cooperate with your lover, you should inform him immediately. The system saw the emperor called the nobles for a meeting. The emperor stated that they must begin the awakening process as soon as possible, as the prince had already noticed something.]

Auris's heart was racing. He remembered the plot of this world and what will happen to his lover. Prince Zachariah will turn into a demon, but they didn't know how and why. Auris guessed that Prince Zachariah is needed during the ritual because he would be the medium for the demon lord to be awakened. But if he's the medium, why would the emperor search for his future spouse?

Kuai, search for the background of the emperor.

[Understood, master.]

How long will it take?

[Few minutes, master.]

OK, thank you.

Auris hurriedly left the underground place and came back to his assigned room. He took a paper and used his magic to write. After writing everything he wants, he burns the writing until it completely vanished.

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