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Jin Xiu electric blue eyes immediately had a cold glint on them. Even though it's just a flash anyone watching can still feel it.

The youth took a deep breath trying to calm himself. Looking outside the room he's currently in, he asks the system.

So, in what timeline we're currently in?

If anyone saw him right now, no one will think that the youth is agitated at present. The bleeding palm he has betrayed his calm blue eyes and relaxed body.

[The female lead already came back. The family gathering will also happen a month from now. As Meng Liqin, the master will have to attend an interview for the babysitter job next week.]

Okay, start monitoring the female lead for me.

[At your command, master.]

Jin Xiu walks to the bathroom to clean his bleeding hands.

The moment his eyes landed on the mirror, he literally freezes. The youth on the mirror has blue eyes like him but lighter shade, like the color of winter, silently glowing, his curly brunette hair is messily fixed, pale skin that turns slightly red because of the constant rubbing, in short, he's not handsome, but a beauty. Jin Xiu, who already researched about the ABO world wasn't really surprised, because omega's really looked feminine because of their nature, especially he's a male omega, a rare one at that. What surprised him is that he looks 70% the same as his original face, the 30% are also unparallel that makes him look more ethereal.

After cleaning his wound, Jin Xiu opened Meng Liqin's closet. Looking at the clothes, Jin Xiu started questioning Meng Liqin's fashion sense, every single clothes in his wardrobe is either white, gray, or black, such colors, even him who don't really like dressing up will have a headache.

"First, let's go shopping," Jin Xiu exclaimed as he picked a simple white shirt and black pants.

Arriving at the Capitol, Jin Xiu examined the area and search for a certain clothing shop.

"Hello, good morning, welcome to SCH Fashion House, what can I help you with?" A sales lady asked.

SCH Fashion House, as the name suggests, is a fashion brand of the female lead. Although he really doesn't like her because of her so-called future relationship with his gege, there's no doubt that her clothes are really top-notch.

After telling the sales lady the styles and his sizes, Jin Xiu sat at the sofa where the recent magazines were placed.

Jin Xiu casually picks one, to his surprise the one on the magazine cover is Qin Yongzheng. It stated there that Qin Group will start investing in the fashion industry which made Jin Xiu curious because as far as he knows, Qin Group never steps into the fashion industry.

It looks like I need to meet gege soon.

For the whole week, Jin Xiu started preparing for his interview and the job. Although the original host is experienced being a babysitter, he can not say the same to himself. Even though he likes children, he really doesn't have the opportunity to take care of them.

Apart from reading information about kids, and watching videos on how to take of them, Jin Xiu also trained himself properly on his secret space with the help of the system. After all, it's better to be sure than hurting the baby while babysitting. He doesn't want to be hated by his future family, okay?

The day of the interview arrived, it was scheduled at 9:00 am, located at the main office of Qin Group.

Employees are walking all around the building when Jin Xiu arrived. When all the applicants are already completed, some employees took them inside a meeting room where they will be interviewed one by one.

Timepass by and it was Jin Xiu's turn.

"Hello, I'm Meng Liqin, nice to meet you," Jin Xiu flashed a smile and introduced himself.

Looking at Qin Yongzheng's elder sister, Jin Xiu calmly answered all her questions. He also summarized the working experience of the original host. As he continues rambling about loving children and taking care of them, he didn't realize someone already entered the meeting room.

"And then I just started loving taking care of children," he finishes, looking dreamy.

As soon as he realizes that Qin Fengzhen, was looking at someone, he turns his head out of curiosity.

Jin Xiu's eyebrow rises slightly, his eyes sparkling, his heartbeat speeding up, looking at the person who's not supposed to be here right now.

The male lead, Qin Yongzheng, his lover, currently eyeing him up, making him feel embarrassed, resulting in him playing with the hem of his shirt.

He's not supposed to be here! Does he not have meetings today!? Gege, is your schedule so free that's why you're suddenly here!?

Sensing the youth is feeling embarrassed, you can smell the scent he was emanating, Qin Yongzheng stops staring at him and nods at his sister.

"After the interview, we'll going back at once," Qin Yongzheng stated as he tried to forget the eyes of the youth, it's simply breathtaking.

Qin Fengzhen chuckled when she realized what's happening. Nodding at her brother, she immediately dismissed Jin Xiu and told him she'll call him as soon as possible, fearing that something will happen to him, she asks if he wants her to drive her back, which he refused. But it looks like he got the job. Jin Xiu thank her with a flushing face, completely ignoring the other, and left straight away.

Despite the fact that he really missed him, they cannot meet right now, because he didn't even know he'll get his heat today! He completely forgot about it! He's so focused on learning about his new job so he forgot to check the date!

It's so embarrassing! What if he thinks that I got into heat because of him!? Although I don't really mind, he smells great, but the first impression lasts you know!?

"This damn heat! Why does it have to be today!?" Jin Xiu cries out as he stabilizes his breathing.

Searching for a hidden corner, Jin Xiu immediately called for his system.

Kuai! I need a stabilizer, right now!

[Firstly master, I must inform you that force injection of stabilizer during an omega's first heat would make their next one longer, do you still want it or do you want to stay at the space for the meantime to pass your heat?]

First heat!? Forget it! Just give me that! A lot of people saw me, if I vanish right now, it will cause some issues and troubles!

Fortunately, forced mating is illegal, there are also protectors who took rounds on every area to check, that's why he still has time to run and take a stabilizer.

Being an omega or in heat is really tiring, although this is the first time he experienced it. It's still a pain in the ass.

[It will be painful master, please bear with it a little longer.]

Jin Xiu immediately felt a cold liquid injected into his body. Little did he know, a certain alpha is still thinking about him.

"That scent... it's familiar," Qin Yongzheng whispered as he played with his car keys.

"Huh? What did you say?"His sister asked, he just shook his head and took that memory on the back of his mind.

Capturing the Male Lead: Red String SystemWhere stories live. Discover now